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Price: $129.99
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Traditional paint removers are hazardous to the health of the workers who use them, especially for people who use them on a continuous basis. They usually contain high levels of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which make a person dizzy and nauseous when inhaled. HAPs and VOCs have been known to cause various kinds of respiratory ailments, especially when inhaled for a prolonged period of time. They can also irritate the skin and eyes. In this litigious world where companies need to protect their public reputations against lawsuits, it is very important, for both practical and financial reasons, to prioritize the health and safety of their workers by finding better alternatives to dangerous chemicals.
Traditional paint removers are usually toxic and harsh for the environment. They usually contain chemicals that deplete the ozone layer. They produce hazardous waste that are non-biodegradable and need special disposal. Some of them are so toxic, abrasive and hazardous that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits or prohibits using them in industrial settings. This can pose a problem to companies who rely on them if the product they have suddenly becomes illegal to use.
A lot of companies are adopting green practices to reduce their carbon footprint by switching to more eco-friendly products. It used to be very hard to find one that is environmentally-friendly that performs as well as the traditional kind. But nowadays, there are many safer alternatives. When switching products, it is essential to find one that is effective and can remove paint fast.
Safe Strip Paint Remover is extremely safe and very environmentally-friendly. It also does not deplete the ozone layer. Because it is biodegradable, companies do not need to hire a hazardous waste company to dispose it, thus saving money. Safe Strip saves the environment and saves the company money at the same time. Safe Strip is non-flammable so it is safe to use in many different settings. This reduces the risk of fire that can destroy company property and harm workers.
It is also very effective and can remove paint coats in one step. Its performance is similar to MEK and methylene chloride. It also replaces toluene, benzene and other solvents used for removing paint. It is a commercial degreaser that works on most exterior and interior surfaces, such as brick, fiberglass, wood, concrete, plaster, stone and metal. It is strong enough to dissolve rubbers and plastics such as seals, gaskets, buckets and bottles so be careful when using it. If you are unsure, you should test the product in an inconspicuous area first. Use it in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves and safety glasses. It is combustible so keep it away from excessive heat and open flames.
If you care for your health and the environment, you should switch to Safe Strip. Your health and environment will thank you for it. Not only that, you can also save a lot of money while doing so.
Traditional paint removers are toxic and hazardous to health. Switching from a traditional paint remover to a safe commercial degreaser such as Safe Strip Paint Remover is better for your health and the environment.
Do you like the idea of solar power?
Solar power is slowly creeping into our lives sometimes even unnoticed by most people. A lot of bill boards and LED road signs are now solar powered. A lot of the electronic traffic safety signs and are often powered this way.
Small appliances like torches (flash lights) key chain lights garden lighting, pond pumps and other portable appliances are getting cheaper to produce and purchase these days. Transportable traffic lights are commonly used at remote road work sites. Overhead street lighting is also being converted to solar in out back area's. With this type of lighting especially in places where it is too expensive to connect to the ordinary electrical grid solar power is needed. All they need is to be placed in an open space and let the sun re-energise them.
There are also many other larger systems, like whole house grid interactive components where your house is generating its own electricity during the day and exporting any extra power back into the electricity grid.
Many businesses have installed huge solar arrays on their buildings and warehouses to reduce their power usage and utility expenses.
Small alternative Appliances are more common place these days even a lot of novelty toys and other appliances like cellphones and iPods and laptop computers can now be recharged from sunshine. Small toys like cars and imitation bugs of all descriptions can be solar powered. Lanterns can be purchased for camping and require no fuel other than to place them in the sun during the day light hours.
Wireless computer keyboards and mice that charge from ordinary fluorescence lights using high density solar cells no longer require batteries to be changed. Such things as solar powered radios can keep you in touch with the world when you are away on holidays or just lazing in the backyard. Solar powered watches and calculators are also becoming popular items.
Security lighting powered by the sun is now the norm and can be installed almost any where with out the hassle of finding a reliable power source. Solar lights for patios and garden sheds are also becoming popular as there is no need for electricians or expensive wiring. LED feature lighting for out door garden features such as waterfalls or ornamental shrubs can now be quickly and easily installed with out disturbing the environment.
Bug zappers powered by the sun are also available at solar retail outlets and a very use full at keeping down mosquito and other night time insect populations. Small ventilator fans are available for cars and larger ones for houses, they only use the sunshine as a power source so they can operate during the hottest part of the day keeping living spaces cooler with out using any extra power.
It just takes a small bit of imagination and some smart electrical engineering and almost all small appliances can be run from solar power.
Andrew Aidulis.
Hi My name is Andrew Aidulis I have always been interested in alternative energy and solar power and also saving money building my own equipment when I can. You can find mare articles on solar power here. http://solarsavemoney.com/blog/
There are numerous ways to make our office energy efficient and save more energy as a result. Are you looking for some energy saving products or appliances? Or perhaps you are thinking about installing some energy saving products. Either way, this article will be helpful for you and decide what products are best for your business.
Energy saving products can save money on monthly electric bill. Besides using less energy it reduces discharge of carbon dioxide and harmful pollutants from power plants that burn less fossil fuels to meet the lesser energy demand.
Energy saving products have the ability in them to use less energy to make the same amount of light output with the same performance and quality. As technology has advanced, there are many energy saving products which have improved the energy efficiency of ballasts and lamps by 60% resulting in lower electricity bills and reduced environmental issues. Moreover, lamps with long life require fewer substitutes, reducing the need for raw materials and lowering the necessity for recycling costs.
While buying these products, consider stores which are well-known and where you can get a huge benefit from the wide range of selections also find the right products you require for your office. Look for a store where you will get products with excellent quality at a reasonable price. Appropriate energy devices are a good start for helping environmental problems. The online stores offer different types of products in different ranges and models, choose the correct devices which is essential for your business.
Today world is experiencing energy revolution. Environmental problems are catching up and with the increased pressure given on protecting ecosystem. We all should play our roles in saving energy. Through energy saving, we might surely take a positive step in preserving the non renewable sources of energy and in fighting for the climatic change. Numerous industries are now providing customer-focused energy devices for examples E-Cube refrigeration saving device, vending miser, water saving devices, energy monitoring system, T5 adaptors, airco saver and many more. A variety of products are now placed in the shelves of the store and which can help in energy revolution and preservations. Using these devices we can help preserve energy and replace non renewable sources with renewable sources of energy.
Nowadays, you would find out a range of green appliances or products in the market. Green appliances consist of energy saving products for your office and household appliances made out of eco-friendly resources. For example, fluorescent light bulb is light saving products which use less amount of energy per watt. All these energy saving appliances positively reduce the environmental impacts and decrease electricity expenses. In addition, they even lessen the discharge of harmful waste in the long term.
There are many benefits of using energy saving appliances like; it utilizes 80% less utility and less dependent on coal and petroleum. Also, it reduces the electricity expenses and lessens the gasoline. In addition it helps in global warming and works well for a longer time. So, when we are inclined to these matters, why not lead the way to conserving energy.
One Call Energy is the dealer of retrofit energy savings products and water saving products for Business in Ireland. One call Energy - Irelands authorised eCUBE distributor.
The rural innovations coming from the grassroots level by the people who actually face the problem can give us solutions which can be cost effective, environment friendly and can also be implemented and adopted for the benefit of people at the same grassroots level quite easily.
P. K. Ravi, a mechanic from Murikkassery, Idukki in Kerala (India) came up with one such innovation - the black pepper thresher, which is helpful for the farmers. He has named the machine as 'Aurora'.
Idukki district of Kerala has large plantation of Pepper and farmers here face many problems while threshing the spice manually. P K Ravi, having seen this since his childhood, developed an innovative black pepper thresher which was advantageous to the traditional threshers available in numerous ways. Aurora's advantageous features have already made it popular among the farmers of the region and farmers are also buying it.
Aurora's Advantages over Conventional Threshing Machine
It can be operated both manually and automatically whereas the conventional machines can only be operated manually.This machine can thresh 300 kg compared to 70 kg of pepper in an hour.It can also be adjusted for threshing white pepper, paddy and other grains which were not possible with the conventional machines.The electricity consumption of this innovative black pepper thresher is less than 1 KWH.The machine can reduce the manual labour by half and hence the labor cost also comes down drastically.Both the manual and automatic version of the machine is less expensive as compared to the conventional machines available in the market.
Recognition and Support for Aurora
The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Kerala Agricultural University has evaluated the efficiency of this grassroots engineering innovation to be 90 percent with just 2 to 3 percent damage. Moreover, the innovation has also been recognized and certified by the Spices board (Ministry of Commerce and Industry) and has been supported under the board's subsidy scheme.
Ravi has also filed patent application for this innovation. The machine has also been recognized and awarded by the National Innovation Foundation - India (NIF), a non-profit organization and an autonomous body of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India; in its 5th National Green Grassroots unaided technological innovation and traditional knowledge.
NIF according to its objective is working on making this low cost grassroots innovation - the black pepper thresher (Aurora) available for the farmers throughout the country.
Ashish kumar D is a student at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He writes on grassroots innovations and other topics. Please visit http://www.nif.org.in/ to know more about grassroots innovations.
When it comes to thinking about benches in the park or perhaps picnic tables, it is likely most people will immediately think of wood. However, there is a far better material for their construction than this, which is helping to keep costs down and save the environment. Recycled Plastic Lumber (RPL) also known as Recycled Plastic Wood is being used more and more frequently in this regard, but can be used to greater affect in many areas.
As the name would suggest, Plastic Lumber is very similar to wood, in so much that it provides a great look and acts in much the same way with regards to weather resistance and performance. Because of this, it is commonly used in agricultural, industrial and recreational sectors. Further than this, it has also been used for civil and marine engineering.
It has a number of features which makes it totally unique. Above all is its environmental friendliness of course and, this works in two ways. Firstly, it helps to preserve wood supplies which, though harvested much more responsibly these days, is still a concern to many. Secondly, by recycling plastic in this way, it is prevented from simply being discarded in landfill sites across the world.
As a natural replacement for wood, its benefits have already been discussed regards its look but, the appeal goes further than this. It feels like wood too, whilst the comfort it affords is as good, if not better. Indeed, many people are not fully aware that they are sitting on a plastic item of furniture at all.
The material is also resistant to vandalism in many respects. Graffiti can be removed far more easily for example, whilst any engravings made can simply be lifted with sanding. As such, they are perfect for places that may suffer from anti social behaviour from a minority of people.
There are many areas where it can be used and, many things that it can used for. Indeed, where wood is now used, Plastic Wood can often replace it. Being easier to craft though, it can also be used in more surprising areas too. Garden furniture is particularly well suited for its use for example, and is a choice which many environmentally friendly families are increasingly making.
In the building trade sector too, it is increasingly used. Naturally strong, many developers are selecting to use the option as a building material. This it shows a great commitment to the environment, which is something that clients are increasingly expecting the companies they work with to have.
The products are not prone to rotting either of course, which wood is. Further than this, other diseases such as mould will not occur, whilst maintenance is minimal on them, so they are ideal for leaving exposed to add a touch of appeal.
There are a number of companies offering Plastic Lumber these days, providing their products in a number of styles, weights, densities and colours. As such, they can be found to suit almost any need. Prices of Recycled Plastic Wood vary of course, but with greater take up, they are becoming more and more affordable.
Science fiction has inspired millions to look into the future and just imagine what it could really look like. Great writers like Jules Verne, and HG Wells foresaw the use of Spacecraft, and submarines. Great minds like Leonardo Di Vinci, drew plans of aircraft, and helicopters, half a millennium ago. Perhaps these five inventions could probably happen in our own lifetime?
1. Holographic Television
Imagine watching a movie, without needing a screen. Holographic television could replace the way we see things today, on our screens. Perhaps we could even feel as if we are inside the movie itself.
2. Flying Automobiles
There are already prototypes of flying cars, but in the future our skies could become a new highway. These cars probably would be fueled by solar energy, and remake the way we design our cities.
3. Food Pills
A looming food crisis could encourage us to develop new ways on how to feed people. If estimates are true, there probably be 12 billion people by 2030, and a huge loss of land through global warming. Food pills could be one answer, which have been used to feed astronauts in space.
4. Smart Clothes
Our clothes of the future may be synthetic and smart. They could heat us when we are cold, and act like air conditioning, when we are warm. They also could replace the traditional fabrics like cotton, which need valuable land to grow.
5. Energy Free Pod Homes
Our perceptions are changing with a growing population, a fossil fuel crisis, and the loss of land through rising sea levels. A home in the future could be compact and movable, with its own independent energy source, Nano technology, alternative energy sources, and the need for less space make this dream possible.
Flooded lands could become mini-pod cities, where these movable pod like homes could slide into a structure over the water, creating mini-oasis's in a new expanding sea.
We may sometimes look at the future with unease, but solutions have been found in the past to solve similar fears from our ancestors. The human race is adaptable, and creative, and this one reason these inventions may appear in the future, changing the way we live.
Find out how to adjust to change in the future
Al Gore pretty much changed the whole world's view on climate change. I believe he paved the way in transforming the scrap batteries to become gold-like in stature. He gave us a picture of horrific magnitude of the consequences of our environmental neglect. With that horror, he weaved for himself the opportunity to instill hope, the hope to redemption. Going green was born and continued to grow since then; we trained ourselves not to look back from then on. Our responsibility in keeping the equilibrium of our environment is a moral calling, our political advocacy that aims to preserve the natural balance of the earth; to preserve life in general.
Recycling has been one of the constructive tools to address our alarming increase of waste and pile of scrap batteries. Waste disposal for so long plagued the environmentalists of insurmountable adversities but are now combated with renewed vigilance and hope through recycling. Our exponential growth in technology afforded us inordinate volume of gadgets ran by battery powered cells, which somehow has also given rise to the pile of used or scrap batteries. Recent technologies are now giving heed to these dilemmas through recycling; transforming these seemingly useless pieces of spent batteries into something practical and useful once again.
Scrap batteries that were once an added nuisance can now be exchanged for cash. And you never know just how much money you could generate until you receive your dollar bills. This kind of trading is instrumental with the emergence of new business opportunities. The timing could not have been more perfect; exchanging scrap batteries for cash in a downtime like this. With the recent economic distress the world has faced, this might be what each of us needed. Having what you thought would have been disposable; the idea of "scrap batteries for cash" isn't a bad idea at all.
I for one am an advocate of this 'scrap batteries for cash' scheme. It shifts on our shoulders the personal duty of taking good care of our environment and at the same time getting an extra income out of it. It also impacts the economy in a positive note which therefore increases the economic activity of certain areas that are robust in their efforts to advance this advocacy. In some countries, let me point out that scraps are gaining a foothold. Huge companies are now eying the untapped opportunities and resources offered by it.
You can start by properly storing your spent batteries and then sell it at your preferred volume. You may also ask some of your friends and relatives to keep their used batteries and later be collected by you. If you happen to know some companies, you could ask their assistance and am sure they would be more than happy to oblige and give you their scrap batteries for free.
By helping to recycle, we're lending a big hand in transforming this planet a better world to live in. Moreover, there is so much cash to be milked from it. Sure it wouldn't hurt to earn a living while doing your part of saving the environment. Move now and start exchanging your scrap batteries for cash.
Require further info concerning this write-up, try the website scrap batteries, sell silver oxide batteries
Last month, I was having a discussion with a fellow think tanker about all the incredible mega Solar Projects going on around the country. I happen to live out in California, and out in the deserts of Southern California there are a tremendous number of extremely huge solar projects where construction is already underway. Some of these projects are in the 1500 to 5500 MW range, and quite frankly that's just enormous really.
Nevertheless, as our think tank started to study this increase in solar projects, we also noted that there is a lot of really good technology on the horizon which is not commercially viable yet, but the science is definitely there. These new technologies and all the research backing them up could show solar efficiencies of 10 to 15% more than the solar efficiencies of the plants being built right now. Now then, I ask the question; shouldn't we wait for five more years until all these new research studies are completed?
In other words let's go ahead and cancel all of the mega solar projects being built right now, and wait for the next generation of technology to emerge. Once it is commercially feasible, who knows, we may even have 25% more efficiency for solar energy. And also another point I'd like to make and that is that solar power is already 50% inefficient - and you may be saying what do I mean? What I'm trying to say is at night the Sun doesn't shine, and that's half of the 24 hour period that we call one day. See that point?
It's not that I am against solar power, it is an intriguing concept, it is just that I think humans can do better than this, and I'm pretty certain our current coal-fired plants can simply be upgraded to clean coal technologies preventing all the CO2 exhaust that everyone is worried about. And we have something like 200 years worth of coal at our current rate of usage. And that's already in proven reserves. Why not continue to use coal for now, and wait for the next generation of solar efficiencies?
From a pure business standpoint what I'm saying is the correct answer, but unfortunately we have too many global warming alarmists that are treating all of this alternative energy like some sort of religion. That's the wrong way to play it and that will cause irrational decision-making, and of course the law of unintended consequences which we are already seeing as our energy and electricity prices are beginning to skyrocket from all the subsidies, tax advantages, increased regulations on fossil fuels, and mandates. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,000 articles was a lot of work - because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off..
Solar power has slipped into almost everything we do from listening to music to camping and even procrastinating. It is therefore time to have a look at some of the most practical and impractical solar gadgets available today.
Practical solar gadgets:
1) Solar powered desk lamps: The idea is fascinating: a light source powered by a light source. What's also nice is the range of desk lamps that can be used in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes. You get solar lamps are that are strictly for indoor use. These absorb energy during the day and provide light at night (for a limited period of time). You get indoor and outdoor solar lamps and lamps that are outdoor only. Any way you look at it the future is bright.
2) Solar powered car fans: These are great for long road trips when you can't avoid driving through the heat of the day, especially in hot parts of the country. Fans are usually placed above the rear view mirror where they are ideally positioned to absorb sunlight and blow refreshingly cool air into the interior of the car.
3) Solar tents: Campers tend to be nature enthusiasts and nature enthusiasts have a vested interest in protecting the planet, which is why solar tents are perfect. A number of companies that specialise in outdoor equipment now manufacture their own versions of the solar tent. Typically you attach some flexible lightweight solar panels on the front of the tent above the flap. The panels then provide energy for lamps, phone chargers, iPods and assorted mobile gadgets.
4) Solar backpacks: Once again this is particularly handy for campers, but also works for people who spend a lot of their days walking around town. In essence, a solar backpack serves as a generator, absorbing and storing power so that you can charge your gadgets while on the move. Solar panels used in these backpacks are, by necessity, lightweight and flexible for easy movement and storage.
Insane solar gadgets:
1) Solar bikini: This has to top the list of the weirdest solar gadgets out there. This itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini is covered in mini solar panels that generate enough power to charge an iPod - a small one.
2) Desk buddies: If you're one of those people who like desk toys but are getting tired of the tick-tocking silver balls and the bobbing bird that never manages to get a decent drink of water then a solar powered desk buddy might be just the thing you're looking for. A desk buddy is a little character, which is supposed to be cute, that sits on a solar pad and nods its head. Any kind of light will get it going. You can stop it by crushing it under your heel or throwing it out the nearest window. There are number of characters available from inanely grinning round-headed pink aliens to Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
3) Solar tombstones: This rather macabre device comes with a screen that can display a 10-minute video up to six times.
4) Solar powered hat: You know those uber cool hats with the fan in the front? Well, they've just gone high-tech. Now you can get a cap, straw hat and even a pith helmet with a little solar panel on top to charge a little fan on the brim. Which proves that being cool never goes out of style.
We write about solar water heating for the highly experienced South African renewable energy supplier, Kayema Renewable Energy Solutions.
Our Alternative Future may have to wait for a little while, especially if it is your contention that it will bring us not only clean air but also an abundance of jobs. Let's talk about some the solar energy sector shall we? In the US we don't make most of the world's solar panels, actually we are not even really in the running. Japan, China, and Germany are the star players of the Greek Sun God Helios.
What do we need to become the leader in Solar Technology and Manufacturing? Well, our researchers need to increase our current solar efficiency by about 2-3 times what they have in the last decade, in this decade. Not long ago, I was having this conversation with another innovative thinker who stated; "200% in 10 years is pretty bad, especially compared to how fast many other fields are developing. But I guess it is due to low grants in that field?"
No, it's because it is a rather hard challenge, our researchers are making decent progress, but we are not there yet. I am not a Mayan Sun Worshipper nor have I joined in on the research end of such projects, it's not my field, although I have sat in on far too many boring seminars, enough to understand the current research and trends. So, should we expect there to be a major innovation and a near-term break though in future in the United States?
Well, therein lies another problem, you see here in the US as soon as one of our research companies or universities makes a breakthrough, and writes a paper the Germans, Chinese, Japanese borrow the information and start production, and that research is being paid by the US taxpayer, and then the solar cells are made in China, Germany, or Japan.
Now then, that's fine for humanity, but new technology also takes away from old, the result in the US a net-loss of jobs, thanks to all the money I spent (as a tax payer) on research? How does this help my family? See what I am saying? So, we have some problems in the world with corporate espionage, spies, technology, patents, and false markets subsidized for the same vision we've had for 40-years.
Worse, the efficiency in solar still isn't good enough for a fair ROI by the end user without tax credits, so then I pay again as a tax payer for purchases of solar panels here in the US, but why? To support Germans, Japanese, or Chinese manufacturers designing and selling these solar cell panels and solar innovations. And when it comes to many nations the tariffs to export means they don't buy as much from the US of what we produce instead these countries buy our real estate, debt, and industries, basically they are buying the US instead of buying what we manufacture from us.
That's where the unbalanced trade flows are messing things up. We even lack in triangular trade flows, even if our farmers are making headway in bringing back money to the US in food commodities (this year anyway). Of course, in the US, well, it is just as ridiculous with all of the litigation, over regulation, unions, pensions, health care mandates, and corporate taxes pushing away jobs, re-investment, and competitiveness in global markets. Everything is inter-related but realize the alternative energy bubble is the biggest blunder balloon ever. It really isn't working all that well here.
So, perhaps you can understand why, I lack faith in the political promises of podium pushing politicians that their alternative energy future is viable or that it will create 4 million new high-paying jobs - not likely, it's just not in the cards. So, I remain convinced, and also note that it's going to take a couple more generations and a few breakthroughs, but it's not viable today. It's a lie to pretend. Further, just because we create these new innovations and technology, does not mean we will capitalize on it. Most likely it will be stolen, our patents infringed, and it will all go overseas anyways. Please consider all this, let's talk about reality.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.worldthinktank.net/ - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.
When solar is discussed it's usually in two different categories -- small scale for personal use and large scale projects which provide an alternative to coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, all of which have significant environmental impacts.
With the recent earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan, the fragility of nuclear power has been exposed. Coal power, the most commonly used source of energy, is contributing to rising temperatures through the greenhouse effect which is already drastically altering the world's climate. Hydro-electric, while pollution free, requires massive habitat destruction during construction and use. All of these systems need to be replaced and renewable energies such as solar and wind are the best alternatives.
While it's true that there is an abundant source of unlimited energy hitting the earth every day of the year, there are some immediate disadvantages to large-scale adoption of this renewable form of energy. We've all seen images of massive solar arrays in the desert, with giant, glistening panels shining happily in the noon day sun. But there is a major drawback to this type of large-scale implementation of solar technology -- distribution.
The energy generated from those solar arrays cannot be efficiently delivered to homes and businesses hundreds or thousands of miles away as much of the gain gets lost in transmission. Additionally, the transmission lines are extremely expensive to maintain. New lines cost around $1.5 million PER MILE, making the development of new transmission lines very expensive.
Small scale solar however has none of these disadvantages. If placed close to home or work, solar panels lose virtually none of the energy they generate. Small scale solar also doesn't require expensive transmission lines, since the distance traveled is minor. An additional advantage to this option is that homes generating too much power can feed it back to the grid, further contributing to reducing the load needs of traditional power plants.
As the US is used to developing large scale power plants, a shift in focus will be necessary to put a massive investment into solar power. Subsidies and tax break models can replace the need for huge projects, moving the necessary funds into the hands of home and small businesses who can be responsible for installing, maintaining and using their own power systems.
Instead of hundreds of large-scale power generation systems, what's needed are tens of thousands of micro power plants. This shift in priority is utterly necessary if we are ever to transition to environmentally friendly forms of energy generation and hopefully avert a growing possibility of climate change catastrophe.
The author is an environmental activist who writes about the advantages of solar energy and offers suggestions about DIY solar panels and other small-scale solar options.
Air Pollution and Climate Change
What are the problems with air pollution and is it connected to climate change? There has been some confusion about climate change. Here is an analysis of the evidence for climate change and its consequences with some possible actions that could be taken to reduce the damage of climate change.
In reality, there are two problems with air pollution. The simplest is air pollution by trace gasses. Here, small amounts of dangerous gasses (usually acids) are released in a chemical reaction, usually combustion. These gasses have a bad impact on the environment and must be eliminated. A good example is sulfur in coal. The sulfur in coal is oxidized by combustion inside a power plant and is washed out of the atmosphere by rain, making "acid rain". When enough acid rain is formed, it starts killing plants and fish. These pollution problems are readily traced and are usually not controversial. What is controversial is how to get rid of the pollution. Usually a procedure can be found, but it may be expensive. This problem will not be addressed further here.
The more complex problem is air pollution that causes a composition change in the atmosphere. This is exemplified by the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane and its impact on earth's average temperature. The theory and the best data indicate that if too much carbon dioxide and methane (greenhouse gasses) get into the air, they capture the visible radiation, hold the infrared radiation and change the earth's heat balance. This raises the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, and so it is called global warming.
One thing that makes this theory controversial is that all fossil fuels generate carbon dioxide when burned, and the vast majority of our energy is obtained by burning fossil fuels, so it is very difficult (and expensive) to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted. Therefore, there is a very strong motive to disbelieve this theory.
Another problem is that the earth has climate zones that move with average temperature, so the zone position changes as the average temperature increases. Thus at any earth position, the temperature may be increasing (due to global warming) or decreasing (due to zone position movement). Critics ask which trend they should believe. The answer, of course, is that it is the average of the temperatures in all climate zones that determines the average earth temperature. This average cannot be determined by a measurement in only one earth position and so it is still being argued.
A third thing that makes this global warming controversial is the impact it may have on the earth's livability. It may not be possible to just wait for the effects to become clear and then take action. We may have to decide on an action plan now.
If indeed the earth is warming, then several things will happen:
The earth's glaciers and ice caps will be reduced, and eventually disappear. Less of the visible radiation on the earth will be reflected into space, and more will be captured which will tend to increase the earth's average temperature. Also, some of the ocean's most productive zones are under ice, so loss of ice may result in a loss in the ocean's fish production.Until now, mankind put carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere, and warming started. If stopped a new equilibrium would form and the warming would stop, but at a higher average temperature. There are processes that absorb the new carbon dioxide and aid the formation of this equilibrium. Two of the most important of these processes are forest growth and carbonate rock formation by plankton. Clearly mankind is overwhelming these processes, because the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere is growing rapidly. Part of this problem is that mankind is cutting the forests, but largest part of the problem is the greenhouse gasses from fossil fuels.
In the future, if mankind reduces his carbon dioxide contribution enough to drop below the natural absorption capability, there will be at least two warming processes that still grow-the loss of the reflectivity of ice at the poles, and the carbon dioxide and methane production by decomposing permafrost vegetation. If the effect of these processes rises above that of the natural absorption processes, the warming trend will continue without mankind's contribution. This automatic temperature increase is called runaway warming. The only way to stop runaway warming is to provide a new means of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The Evidence
The evidence shows the following trends:
Some areas show a warming trend and some show cooling. A computer model is required to interpret the data because climate zones are shifting as well as warming. Generally, however, warming trends seem to dominate.Several computer programs that integrate these measurements exist and they are being tested. They show a climate-warming trend, but the earth does not appear to have reached runaway. The accuracy of these programs is not yet completely confirmed with data, but this accuracy is improving.
Is Action Required?
Many still do not believe in climate warming. A counter theory has been proposed. This theory says that the warming trend that we observe is due to changes in solar radiation level and earth rotation axis wobble. Since there is nothing we can do about these causes, these critics propose that we do nothing that would upset the world economy, and wait to see what happens. This procedure could be very dangerous, as we shall see.
Suppose nothing is done. Then the following long-term bad effects are likely.
The glaciers are part of the earth's fresh water storage system. If they disappear, the rivers will tend to flood in the winter and spring and dry up in the summer.The ice shelves in the Arctic and Antarctic are excellent fish food producers and if they disappear, this food source for fish may disappear.If the mean sea level rises to its maximum, some of the most important and valuable seacoast real estate in the world will be submerged.If climate zones move north (and south), significant numbers of productive agricultural areas will be lost.If the oceans warm to the maximum, a large portion of the earth's reefs will die, and many cypress forests will be damaged. This will damage the associated fish breeding grounds. These problems will cause the reduction of an important food source.The above effects have, for the most part, a limited bad impact on the earth's livability. However, one impact of this cascade of events, the loss of reflective ice and the melting and decay of the permafrost, may cause runaway warming. Inaction would lock in all these bad effects and open us to many future problems that are even worse. If runaway is possible and something can be done, action now is absolutely required.
The Solution
A practical and economically positive solution may be possible without damaging the global economic system. This consists of an energy generating system that can reduce carbon dioxide emission and sequester the remainder. Specifically:
· Conservation, which would consist of substituting for fossil fuel power plants:
o Nuclear power plants where economical and safe
o Deep thermal well power plants where economical
o Ocean based wind and wave generators and solar cells to provide both base load energy and portable fuels.
o Electrical cars with solar cells to extend range.
o Alcohol and oil from waste wood, algae and kelp for portable power plant operations such as aircraft, trains, cars and trucks.
· Sequestering, which would consist of putting the carbon dioxide in the:
o Deep rock formations by use of deep thermal wells.
o Deep oceans by freezing the carbon dioxide and sinking it below the thermocline.
There is a major problem with sequestering, however. Both the deep thermal well and the ocean based wind and wave generators are being developed by small companies that, under normal development procedures, would not be expected to have a large impact for 30 years, and would not be expected to start reversing the warming trend for 40 to 50 years. Now the ice caps and the permafrost layers are expected to melt in 15 to 25 years. Thus we may be in a state of runaway global warming before the solution can come on line. Timing may be important.
Timing and the Overall Capability
This situation contrasts with other green energy producers such as solar cells. Solar cells have a serious production limit caused by a shortage of both worker skills and refined solar cell materials, and could not ramp up into the dominant energy producer in a timely fashion.
A useful addition to the solution would be a process to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, however there are no currently available commercially viable ways to do this.
There are steps that can be taken, however, that have a high probability of success, and will have a positive effect of the economy. First, nuclear plant construction should be supported wherever safety can be achieved as a replacement for fossil fuel plants. Deep thermal well generator development and construction should also be supported as a replacement for fixed fossil fuel plants. Also, research for carbon dioxide sequestration should be supported as well as any other commercially viable alternate energy sources being developed now.
The possibility of climate change due to carbon dioxide emission is controversial. Many are not convinced that it exists. It cannot be ignored, however. If it is ignored, there is a possibility that it will turn into runaway global warming because of the thawing and decay of permafrost vegetation, and the loss of the reflective ice caps.
To read more about Dr. Wald's research into green solutions to environmental and economic issues of the future, please see http://www.aquater2050.com/. Join the Aquater membership and read all of his articles and about the development of his unique technology to create new solutions to world problems.
Why is fair trade clothing important?
There has been a growing trend and a growing demand for fair trade clothes in the last decade. Consumers are beginning to ask questions about where their clothes are made and who, in fact, makes them.
Here are a few reasons why buying fairly is so important:
1.) To promote traditional skills.
2.) To pay employees fair wages.
3.) To pay producers fair prices.
4.) To promote development and growth in rural areas.
5.) To operate with transparency.
6.) To put the value of people before machines.
The fair trade clothing network called People Tree, started by CEO Safia Minney, is one of the leading pioneers in the industry and organic cotton clothing. The Japanese and UK-based company has a network of small cooperatives in over 20 different countries that provides jobs and training for workers of the developing world.
People Tree has grown exponentially since it first started in 1995 and has provided an ethical alternative to buying clothes made in sweatshops. It's clear that the world, as a whole, can not continue consuming this way. By continuing to purchase clothing produced in sub-par garment factories, the consumer is helping to perpetuate a continual cycle of poverty in the developing world.
Until we realize the clothes we buy have a much higher price than the one on the tag, the people of the developing world will continue make unfair wages and be forced to work in slave-like conditions. Your purchase has a voice.
You can read more about the importance of the fair and organic trade industry at http://www.allofusrevolution.com/.
The author is a start-up fashion designer who blogs about owning a small clothing business and also contributes to http://www.startingaclothingline.net/, the "Ultimate Guide for Dreamers, Designers, and Entrepreneurs."
The DECC (Department for Energy and Climate Change) has recently published their new 'Carbon Plan' that lays down some further targets and associated timescales for us to meet our environmental obligations.
The preliminary plan itself is available for consultation (the final version is due to be published this Autumn) and concentrates on the opportunities an economy low in carbon offers and energy security. The main challenges and headlines are:
The way most electricity is currently generated. A dramatic shift towards low carbon alternatives and away from fossil fuels is requiredThe way non-domestic and domestic buildings are insulated and heated.How we travel - moving towards alternative technologies such as electric vehicles, from diesel and petrol engines, to reduce emissions and increasing the availability of public transport options.The document also lays down a range of actions and deadlines that a number of Government departments will need to meet. Hopefully they will consider some joined up thinking too.
With many kinds of green initiatives and legislative changes being planned by Government departments, there is a danger of becoming swamped in a host of "carbon compliance" all aiming to meet the same ends but by different and various means. For example:
DECC with the EA (Environment Agency) manage CRC, our new tax on carbon emissions.The Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) manage display energy certificates (DECs) and energy performance certificates (EPCs), regulations brought in to make the asset and operational carbon performance of a building more public. Forecast changes will see DECs become a requirement for private as well as public premises.The BIS (Department for Business, Innovation & Skills) consulted on narrative reporting (non-financial risk) last year, this agenda will be increasingly dominated by energy, environment and carbon.DEFRA (The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) is currently considering mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) (carbon) and the Government is shortly due to comment on this.There is definitely a theme building here and it seems to have something to do with carbon! Fortunately, much of this is being considered in the summary of actions attached to the Carbon Plan. Unfortunately over 185 individual actions are either in progress or pending.
Carbon as a basis of legitimate business measurement is here and this means its use in everything from corporate responsibility reporting to taxation. For most organisations and buildings carbon performance is already being assessed. Whether by existing, or pending regulation or through the numerous energy and environmental management initiatives available, you are counting carbon, whether you like it or not.
Greg Davies is the Head of Service Development at Elementus. Elementus is a leading independent health, safety and environmental consultancy advising on carbon and energy management. They have been operating in the industry for 25 years.
By 2020, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has predicted that water shortages will be a a major concern throughout the world. A global water crisis has been declared by the European Union and has made a priority for the World Summit on Sustainable Development.
"Water is fundamental to life on earth. For human populations and ecosystems to thrive, that water must be clean, it must stay clean and, most importantly, it must be accessible to all." Irina Bokva, Director General of UNESCO - March 22, 2010
While most global discussions seem to revolve around global warming and the inevitable impacts during the 21st century, the reality is that water is a concern of paramount importance that deserves our immediate attention. While the verdict on global warming continues to be the subject of debate, we believe the concerns about sustainable water are far more eminent. Typically, we tend to reflect on needs and scarcity only in times of shocking hardship. Over the last 25 years, the United Nations, The World Bank and various other independent think-tanks have led a growing but forceful outcry that was largely unheard until the occurrence of consecutive cataclysmic events such as the Sumatran Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina. Add the monthly water contamination events that seemed to dominate the news from China to the United States over the last year and the mounting news of corporate irresponsibility concerning the pollution of existing water supplies, and one has to strongly reflect on the state of the global water sector and the impact it will have on the generations to come.
The United Nations has reported that at least 1.5 billion people lack access to safe drinking water every day. More than 3.5 million people die each year from water-related pathogens.
"A Child dies every 15 seconds due to contaminated water"
Drinking water is essential for all body functions and life itself. Considering that our bodies are approximately 80% liquid and our brains are 90% water, understanding water's important role in the body can be a fountain of health. Water is the essential element in life needed to maintain good health and well-being. We need water to digest food and eliminate toxins and waste from our bodies. Water protects our cell tissue, regulates body temperature and transports oxygen and nutrients throughout our bodies. Water allows our bodies to heal and helps prevent disease and obesity. Water is the most important nutrient in our bodies. Of course, the quality of the water we drink directly impacts our body's life-supporting functions. Researchers agree pure water is the ultimate drink for life and health. The world's water is constantly moving in what is called the water cycle or hydraulic cycle. This means that water locations change between the oceans, the atmosphere, rivers and lakes and below the ground, but the volume of water always remains constant. This means there is never going to be additional water made available to our planet. The significant difference is the negative impact that humans have had on the available water.
Only 1% of the earth's water is available as drinking water for humans and animals and that 1% is being contaminated by the industrial civilization in which we live. Pollutants such as physical & biological waste, chemicals, pesticides from agriculture, and pharmaceuticals have contaminated our water beyond the point where we are able to clean it. It's becoming more and more difficult to access good water.
Water Is Not a Renewable Resource
Copyright (c) 2011 Randall Mauldin
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Solar panel technology now forms a significant and growing contribution to solar energy the world over. But where did the idea come from in the first place? And how did the science progress to reach the point where today businesses and homes install solar panels on rooftops to generate energy?
It turns out that if we trace the history of harnessing solar energy we reach a little known French physicist named Alexandre Edmond Becquerel. He was a well regarded scientist in his time and is credited with discovering the photovoltaic effect of sunlight on an electrode submerged in conductive fluid in 1839.
However, it would take until 1873 until English electrical engineer Willoughby Smith to discover the photoconductive properties of selenium that further progress be made. The first solar cell was created in 1883 by American inventor Charles Fritts, which had just 1% efficiency. Later down the track, US patents were filed by Edward Weston in 1888, Melvin Severy in 1894 and Harry Reagan in 1897 for different versions of the early solar cells.
It took many experiments in photovoltaics throughout the 20th century by both US and European scientists to advance the science. Leaps were made between 1916 and the 1920's by Robert Millikan, who tested and proved the photoelectric effect existed. Polish chemist Jan Czochralski then produced a methodology to grow single crystals of metal for use in photovoltaic cells.
It took almost 100 years from A.E Becquerel's initial discovery to reach the 1920's when flat plate solar collectors were put to use in sunny Florida and California to provide solar hot water heating in homes and apartment buildings.
From the 1920's to Post-War 40's increased consumer demand for solar panels arose due to electric shortages and outages. This caused the need for solar architects, lead to Bell Telephone Labs getting involved and pushed the drive for greater efficiency from solar panels when solar cells yielded 11% more power than the first crude cell.
Fast forward to the 1970's when solar cell technology had by this stage been more accepted around the world with smart uses for solar energy and heating for public buildings, businesses, lighthouses and remotely located off-the-grid homeowners who used it to provide efficient electricity.
Australia was one of countries at the forefront of solar technology development. In 1982 Australian native Hans Tholstrup piloted the first solar powered car over 2,800 miles in 20 days. Tholstrup is also the founder of the Australian World Solar Challenge which continues to the current day.
Since the 90's solar PV technology has advanced in its ability to harness the sun efficiently and cost effectiveness to the point where its becoming a major feature of modern homes and businesses to reduce carbon emissions, offset power bills, do away with power bills altogether and in some cases become a source of passive income.
The author of this article has expertise in solar quotes. The articles on solar panels reveals the author's knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on Sydney solar quotes as well.
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Organic solar cells are the next big thing in solar energy technology. Projects are still very much in the development phase but researchers from different institutions around the world have made significant advancements in combining organic and inorganic matter in the name of increased efficiency and lower production costs.
Let's summarise two of the projects currently underway in the US.
Researchers at Stanford University have determined that a single layer of organic molecules can triple the efficiency of a solar cell. The secret (which isn't really a secret any longer) lies in quantum dots. If you're anything like some of the characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, you may think of quantum in vague terms that can be applied to anything very big or very small or very scientific. In this instance, quantum refers to something very, very small.
Clean Technica breaks this information down into more manageable pieces. Quantum dots are one nanometre small - that's one thousand-millionth of a metre if you're that way inclined. However, its incredible tininess gives it an almost limitless ability to absorb energy; in this case, solar energy. These dots were discovered in the early 1980s but have never really been properly explored until now.
The driving force behind the Stanford project is Stacey Bent, a professor of chemical engineering. She was interested in finding out whether quantum dots, which are made from simple chemical reactions, could increase the efficiency of solar technology while lowering costs. It turns out that they can.
It's possible to tweak or tune quantum dots to absorb a certain wavelength of light, which does interesting things to electrons with the knock-on effect making the inorganic (usually silicon) semiconductor more efficient. Bent is currently testing cadmium sulfide quantum dots, which she says aren't ideal for solar cells. But, she has plans to test others.
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is looking at ways to create a solar cell that is self-sustaining. The inspiration comes from the photosynthesis processes used by plants, which Michael Strano believes can be replicated using organic solar cells. At its most basic, the theory has it that instead of being degraded or worn away by the sun, solar cells would be able to reassemble their molecules and maintain a consistent level of efficiency.
So far this theory is even more developmental than that of Bent and still needs plenty of work before it becomes something we can look forward to.
Whichever way you look at it, the organic seems destined to be combined with the inorganic to increase efficiency. As the Borg say, resistance is futile.
We write about solar heating for the highly experienced South African renewable energy supplier, Kayema Renewable Energy Solutions.
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One of the big problems with wind power generation is the fact that the wind turbines create ultrasound, and that ultrasound happens to interfere with all sorts of things. Important things such as human health and sanity, and unfortunately, air traffic control radars. There is also risk to wildlife, and wind turbine companies have been quick to collect their subsidies, and investors in the turbines have collected their tax credits, but now "Umm, Houston we have a problem" with alternative energy credits.
Not long ago, I was contacted by an intellectual acquaintance who asked; "is this something someone is already working on, or something you plan to work on [at the think tank]?" You see, he was just wondering, as he had read a little bit about wind turbines and found the entire challenge of wind power quite fascinating. He's right, it really is. So, what is the research doing about this presently? Let's talk.
Many smart engineers are working on these problems and we are using some new shapes for the turbine blades, one that looks like the fins on a Humpback whale, and another which is used by the silent running helicopter blades used by the military, but these appear to be interim solutions. We, like others are running the various designs through virtual simulation software, with some positive results.
Personally, I am concerned with the ability to see aircraft near airports where most mid-air collisions occur, especially since we either have to re-locate the radars further out, facing away from the wind-turbines (significant cost), or skip the concept of wind power within 50 miles of an airport or even on mountain tops near approaches. Further, I live in Palm Desert and 15 miles from here we have tons of wind-turbines, and they do not generate anywhere near what we were promised.
Okay so that's the low-down, and so I asked my acquaintance what solutions he might have or that he believed he might come up with? Now then there was an interesting article recently on the Forbes Blog titled; "Wind Energy's Overblown Prospects" which gets to the heart of yet another matter - namely wind power is inefficient, is unreliable, costly, little or no ROI, kills birds, disturbs airport radars, causes ultra-sound, and actually does not reduce CO2 in our atmosphere because the CO2 used to make the concrete for the base creates more than would be offset over 15-years of optimum wind-speed.
Thus, wind power is not the solution to our alternative energy future. So, indeed, I hope you will please consider all this. Think on it.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.worldthinktank.net/ - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.
Solar technology is being integrated into many interesting new products in recent years. As the once-prohibitive cost of small solar panels has declined, engineers are now able to build them in to a wide array of interesting new products. A solar lamp post is just one of many new implementations of this technology, bringing the massive power of the sun into every day life.
We often think of solar energy as either massive arrays in the desert or single panels up on someone's roof, but that's changing. Rapidly.
Tiny solar panels are being assimilated into ordinary household items - exterior lamp posts are one of numerous new innovations that supply homeowners the possibility of lighting their homes without be forced to consume electricity.
Typical designs include individual posts that can be fixed into a driveway, fixtures that can be positioned on the top of previously installed posts or fences and gorgeous hanging lights that can be inserted under roof awnings to provide extra spot lighting.
Installation of solar lights such as these is easy compared to previous methods. Home owners no longer have to run underground electric lines around the exterior of their homes and wire interior switches that must be turned on manually or using timers.
Self-powered solar lamp posts don't require switches since they turn on automatically as the sun goes down and automatically turn off as the sun rises. Concerns about power generation during overcast days is unwarranted as these fixtures are capable of storing enough power to light up for 24 hours at a stretch. As even the darkest days still produce sun light, solar lamp posts are continually receiving enough energy to replenish and turn on during the night.
Most everybody recognizes these days that we're at a critical phase in our history. We absolutely must shift to using more sustainable forms of energy production if we are to avoid the conclusion of climate scientists around the world that predict we're going to see rises in sea levels, extreme weather patterns, increased drought and flooding and a host other problems.
While massive changes in society are unquestionably needed to bring about the renewable energy revolution we so badly need, one thing everyone can do in the short term is consume products like these, for every single purchase is a vote of support for an industry that needs to grow if we are ever to reach an area of energy sustainability.
The author is an environmental activist who writes about solar lamp post product developments. Solar lamp posts are just one of many new inventions changing the face of solar technology today.
Small and useful innovations like "LPG fuelled Iron" take shape when common people try to improve their efficiency and productivity at work and also start thinking out of the box to solve their daily problems.
In small cities and towns of many developing countries, one can easily find some small street shops, outlets or mobile carts for pressing cloths. Generally, washer men own these shops and they don't use the electric press that we use at our homes. They have two quite common old techniques to choose from. In one of the two, a set of flat irons are heated alternatively from a single heating source to press cloths. The heating source can be a tailor's stove. In the other technique, iron box is used which has hot charcoal burning inside the box to heat the iron. Both of these types have their own limitations and are not so efficient to work with. Now, K Linga Brahmam of India has presented these washer men and shop owners with a third alternative - LPG (gas) fuelled iron.
He has modified the Iron box so that it can run on gas fuels like LPG. The LPG gas from the cylinder goes to the iron box through by a copper pipe. The iron box has a filament and an automatic lighter to ignite it. It also has a knob attached to regulate the gas flow.
Advantages of the LPG fuelled iron
The iron uses a clean fuel LPG in place of charcoal for heating and so is more eco-friendly.This gas fuelled iron is cost effective as it can be used for 24 hours with 1 kg of LPG gas.Unlike the two conventional techniques, it doesn't need long set up timeSince this iron doesn't use electricity it can be used anywhere especially in rural areas where electricity is not available.Many a times washer men in sub-urban areas keep mobile carts which can't have the power supply and so electric iron is out of the picture for them. Being portable, this LPG fuelled iron is very useful innovation for them.With this grassroots innovation there is no fear of cloths getting burned by the charcoal sparks.This gas fuelled iron is simple in design and so has no maintenance cost.Recognition and support of the grassroots innovation
National Innovation Foundation, India (NIF) has recognized and awarded this grassroots innovation and has supported Linga Brahmam in its development. The product is in ready to market status and has also become popular among washer men in and around Linga's village.
Ashish Kumar D is a student at Indian Institute of Management, India. He likes to write articles on grassroots innovations and other related topics. To know about LPG fuelled iron's feature in detail, please visit http://www.nif.org.in/bd/flexinode/print/1/15384
Glass waste is increasing tremendously day by day. And to reduce it, you need to know three essential glass facts including collection, reuse and recycling.
Whatever is the kind of waste, it creates problems on the earth, for both life and property. The landfill situation is increasing day by day and large glass waste is the reason. People are unaware about the bad effect of landfill situation and the ignorance has been creating problems in eradicating the situation completely.
Glass waste is not just waste, it's a resource which we can save if we make efforts in this regard. In this article, discussion will be done on three useful facts including collection, reuse and recycling.
Glass collection
A number of depots are present in the market which can help us in getting rid of glass waste and we are required to take their assistance. Moreover, we are required to make an effort in the collection of glass trash in a proper manner. In the household junks, we'll find different kinds of wastes which include biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes.
Glass items in the trash are needed to be collected in a separate storage bin. Then after, we are required to hire a professional depot for the take away of such trash. Used glass items may be of no use for residents but they are of use for depots. The reason is that the depot collects trash and sends them to recycling center for the reprocessing.
Of course, we can take help of depots for the removal of glass waste but we can also do something from our end to put control on waste. We can reuse bottles, containers, etc. to keep oil or other liquid products we use at home. We can use bottles to refrigerate water for drinking and much more. There are many ways in which we can bring used glass items into use more than once. And any of these ways will be better than throwing them here and there.
One of the best environment-friendly initiatives is the recycling of products. Through reprocessing of plastic, glass, etc, we can make efforts in saving renewable sources of energy including oil, raw materials and much more. And, the best way to support reprocessing processes is to take help of professional recycling depots that have been serving individuals since years.
Bottle recycling helps mankind in several ways. It helps in reducing the landfill situation along with saving oil and raw materials required for the formation of new glass items.
Hence, from the above discussions, it can be stated that we are needed to have proper knowledge on glass collection, reuse and recycling to keep our planet a safer place to live.
BC Bottle Depot has been taking successful steps towards collection and recycling of glass items in Vancouver, BC. The BC Bottle Depot has been gaining maximum contribution of individuals with its presence in different areas of BC including Surrey, Walnut Grove, Maple Ridge and Vancouver, BC.
The earthquake that hit Japan and the tsunami that was its aftermath showed the whole world just how wrathful nature can be. No matter how prepared a country is, natural calamities such as that come without warning so there really is no one to blame. We can only do so much. But that doesn't mean that countries and governments are not doing anything to somehow counter the effects of such distressing catastrophes. On the contrary, governments have environmental monitoring services which monitor the quality of the environment. The main idea behind this is so that a country can prepare environmental impact assessments to study and counteract harmful effects on the natural environment as caused by man or forces of nature.
What is Environmental Monitoring?
Environmental monitoring may refer to computerized sensors that measure the physical parameters of our environment which in turn alerts the proper government organizations of abnormalities that the system might have picked up. That's one reason why even if a place may suffer from the devastating effects of a natural calamity, its government is able to deploy help and other aids right away. Because somehow, they were alerted that something could happen. If a government is not prepared to handle the effects of a disaster, it will take those years to recover from it. But that's not the case, right?
Managing the environment is an overwhelming task and it is for this reason that developers have created various systems to make the job easier. These systems pick up thousands upon thousands of data which it classifies and clarifies so they can come up with fool-proof action plans. Among the areas where environmental monitoring is highly efficient are:
• Pollution risk assessment;
• Trends in time and space;
• Anticipatory systems; and
• Environmental quality and management practice.
Also, because the system allows for the study and management of microclimates, it's now easier to come up with the right tools to undertake environmental research, monitoring, conservation, quality and control of our natural resources.
The Impact of Environmental Monitoring
Are you following the impact which monitoring the environment has on each of us? To make it even simpler, environmental monitoring can be depicted as an inveterate and methodical series of studies which expose to us the true condition of the environment. This is especially important for areas which are in need of further development. Since it is quite gaining ground these days, further enhancements and innovations on environmental monitoring technology are being proposed and debated on. One such improvement is the use of fiber optic cables to form monitoring networks. This development makes it possible for the system to be utilized even in remote places. It won't take long before this system for managing the environment is implemented on a global scale.
And if you'd like to find out how environmental management services can impact your property, get access to Urban Virons' valuable wealth of information on landscaping and grounds maintenance, and take advantage of our special offers by clicking or visiting: http://www.urbanvirons.com.au/.
As the coordinator for a Think Tank which operates online, I am often amazed at the fiery passionate debates amongst members when it comes to alternative energy. There are global warming alarmists who treat it as a religion, pragmatic energy experts, and money interests skewing the political debate. It's intense indeed. Not long ago, I was having a dialogue over some of the challenges of Wind Turbine Technologies and trying to come up with potential solutions.
My acquaintance stated that when it came to wind there were several challenges such as; "unsightliness, sound pollution, and psychological affects," to name a few. Yes, that's definitely true, and there are other issues too for instance; they kill birds, and bats, and despite what you might believe the concrete manufacturing needed to create the base creates CO2 (offset would take 15 years).
Wind turbines are not cheap either, as they use REEs and Rare Earth Elements are needed for other important technologies and they are expensive meaning the price goes up and thus, the ROI not is not there, they are not cost effective thus, not viable. Also, wind turbine blades can't handle lightning very well and they have to be shut down in high winds, at a time the most potential is available.
That's not all, as they also fall down in Earthquakes, and realize that areas with the best or most consistent wind is not always power transmission lines. And in case you haven't heard enough reasons why wind won't work to solve our energy needs, realize too that these large wind turbines screw up radar 39% of ability. The biggest issue which I have waited until last to mention is that the wind doesn't blow all the time, thus it is all-around unreliable energy.
My acquaintance stated; "I think we also need better designs for wind power, but that's not going to happen until we quit subsidizing the technology. Once we quit subsidizing, this should lead to companies trying to push through better/more efficient designs. Or kill the whole idea."
We can't now, due to politics, lobbyists, and GE Jeff Immelt now helping the administration with innovation agendas. Once the government starts doing something the blob just grows, if we kill it, we kill all the VC, investment banks helping with alternative energy, all the small investors who want to buy green socially acceptable stocks and funds, etc.
The way I see it, these little bloggers and wind power religious folks with all their environmentalism, and political influence has created this mess because they think you know everything, complain about everything, and never think through the reality - so it is nothing more than silly humans, and their unintended consequences. And now that we have a problem they say; "oh let's use innovation to solve this unintended consequence we've created, come on everyone, let's work together and build a team - Yeah, go team go!"
Well, now, sometimes I think that I'd like to strap some of these Obama Rama alternative energy buglers to the wind turbine blades until they scream, who knows maybe we can make these giant wind turbines into Amusement Rides? Or, better yet, we should tip the big ones over on their side, and the Obama Rama's can design a habitat plan so they can live inside of the wreckage?
Sure, that would be good, put some boulders on each side so they don't roll away. Use it for homeless shelters, cut some holes in the side, and put in Plexiglas windows at $35.00 a piece. Leave one up for every 50 or so to power up the homeless shelter tubes. Call up Jimmy Carter and tell him to Habitat That! Well, personally I think wind power schemes as presently purported are a waste of time, energy, and resources for nothing. Meanwhile the powers that be, realize they've made a mistake on this, but they try to diver out attention away from their mistakes;
"Don't look at the wind turbine issues, no, no, no looky over here in Japan, Libya, Egypt, and at Charlie Sheen, don't look at the fiasco and insanity of nonsense happing with the alternative energy bubble, and don't worry it will create, or rather "create or save" 4 million jobs over the next 10 years! Hoorah!"
Yah, after it kills 8 million jobs or more in the process.
Please consider all this, because, I getting tired of talking about it.
Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you've enjoyed today's discussion and topic. http://www.worldthinktank.net/ - Have an important subject to discuss, contact Lance Winslow.
There are plenty of advantages of recycling your old digital camera. You have to review your options of camera recycling and carefully consider them in order to maximize your financial and other benefits. For most of the people money is the main reason they decide to get rid of their old models of cameras. For others it is because they care about where they live and the environment and know that putting their unwanted cameras in the normal general waste bin does harm the Earth. These people are able to decide if they want to get money for their old digital cameras or donate them to a charitable organization.
Whatever your motivation might be, you need to make sure you are using a legitimate company to buy your old digital camera. Many recycling sites now exist online that will buy your old camera from you in return for a cash payment.
Why do Companies Need Your Unwanted Camera?
There are many reasons that companies do camera recycling. Depending on the condition of the camera there are different ways of re-using it, and doing this as a business in bulk can be profitable for some businesses.
1. They might want to re-sell your camera as it is. It applies to mostly newer models in a spotless condition. This is when you can expect the best prices paid for your digital camera. It is possible to get a good retail price for a good brand model, even if it is one or two years old, but all the features are working well.
2. There are other companies that specialize in refurbishing old cameras. It is a great option as they are going to get used again, and sometimes an old camera only needs a few bits or features to match the latest models' capabilities but sells for much less money. These products are very popular among some money-conscious buyers and the company is able to make a big profit with doing some easy upgrades.
3. The last resort of digital camera recycling is using them for parts. Camera repair shops are always looking for parts, and if your camera is not working anymore, and you purchased a new one to replace it instead of getting it fixed, you can still get money. It is not going to be as high as a fully functional used cameras but you will be able to get some money and free up some space in your house by getting rid of non working cameras.
To learn where to recycle old digital cameras or other electronic device for the highest cash prices at sites like SpeedSell or Boots Recycle visit Cash for Recycling
It seems everyone these days in interested in helping to save the planet from global warming. One easy way for us to do our part is the use and purchase eco friendly products and services. Research has shown that human babies can wear up to around 6000 nappies before being toilet trained. That is not only a lot of nappies for parents to change, but it also creates a lot of rubbish to pollute our planet.
Also according to some reports, disposable nappies can take between 200- 500 years to decompose. This is far too much time to be sitting in our rubbish dumps and is surely not good for the earth. These diaper's will be hanging around much longer than the babies are around.
For this reason, many parents and guardians are making the switch to a more organic alternative.
Organic eco nappies are usually made up of natural fibres of cloth such as wool or cotton. These can then be washed and reused again and again. There are lots of different types and brands on the market. Some simple online research will help you chose the right alternative for you.
But even the most eco friendly and environmentally conscience parents are finding it hard to switch from the ease of plastic to organic. In this case, it's important to look at the benefits of going green.
These cloth nappies are also free of chemicals and are therefore much better for a baby's skin. One of the main chemicals that is used to make nappies more absorbent is Sodium Polyacrylate. This can absorb between 400 - 800 times its mass in liquids but it has also been found to cause allergies in babies as well as other problems.
The most common symptom of the plastic variety that most parents have seen in their children is of course rashes. It has been found that over half of babies that are put in disposables suffer from this. Parents hate to see their kids in pain or discomfort, and making the switch can solve this issue.
Some argue that having to wash cloth nappies is also not ideal because it takes extra resources like water and electricity. The impact of this on the environment is far less than filling up landfills for hundreds of years.
Finding the balance between convenience and doing your part for the planet can sometimes be a challenge. Switching to organic diaper's is a small thing that in the long run may not only be better for your baby, but also for the earth.
If you are looking for organic nappies visit this site.
The earth is in trouble, and it is time for us to step up. It has cared for us from the beginning of time, and now it is time for us to return that love. The irresponsible steps taken by human beings in the past have resulted in serious consequences in the present, and can lead to much more in the future. You may think that you, as a single person, cannot make much of a difference. But here is where you are wrong. If each of us tried to do our bit, it would result in some positive change. It is up to each and every one of us to be pro active, for the betterment of the environment.
Human beings have for a long time been selfish. They use what they need or want, and throw what they do not. In this process, they do not realize, or rather, do not care that what they dispose is polluting the planet. All forms of waste present in the environment today speak for such action. It is time for us to take steps to clean up our mess. Also, we must find ways to reduce, and eventually eliminate the waste we put out. A major way to do so is Recycling.
Recycling is the process of sorting out items that originally seem like waste, processing them to make items that are useful and using them. It also means to utilize items that can be reused, instead of those which have a short life.
More and more people are turning to recycling these days. Anything from glass bottles, cans, clothes, to newspapers are being handed in for recycling. And this is because, once you start, it becomes a part of your day to day routine. Simple acts such as choosing cloth bags over plastic, and separating the recyclable items from the rest of your trash, can go a long way. Reducing the use of items that pollute the environment, like plastic can help save our beautiful flora and fauna.
The resources of the earth such as metals and oils are exhaustible. With the increase in population and technology, this means that these resources are used up at a much higher rate. This is the biggest reason to recycle such resources, to prevent them from depleting. Many companies are hence doing just that, and taking in old and outdated versions of their products, and recycling them for the new.
Recycling plants now reward people for collecting recyclable items. This givens people an added incentive to take steps in the right direction. Also, in the process of recycling matter, people are given jobs. Compare these jobs to the ones in landfills and handling incinerators and you will see how beneficial they can be.
Recycling can be a neighbourhood practice, with each person motivating the rest. It helps the community bond over a common cause. Children are the future, and they must be taught to care and conserve from a young age, so that they may grow to make it a part of their lives.
With all these reasons to recycle, we can all understand its importance. As children we were all taught the three Rs in education- Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic. Now it is important that we learn the three Rs in waste management- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
To know more, visit http://www.recycling.ca/