The Advantages of Installing Solar Panels
Whether or not solar panels need to be mounted on the roof seems to be the main concern for most people who are considering installing solar panels. Though there are many benefits to having an existing structure, it is not required for the installation of solar panels.
The most advantageous place for your solar panels would be a thirty degree angled slope that is shade free. An above ground height will allow for the feedback of warmed water to the holding tank inside the cavity of the roof.
The roof top installation will also lessen the need for return pipe insulation and make the distance the heated water has to travel shorter, since hot water heaters are usually placed at the home's top.
There is little chance of out four legged friends being able to damage the panels with a roof mounting. Also, be sure the area isn't near overhanging tree branches where birds roost as their droppings can damage the collection plates severely.
Be sure you have easy access to the panel from the ground to clean and maintain the system. This shouldn't have to be done very often-a big advantage of the unit not having a lot of working parts.
The two types of installation can be confusing to those not familiar with visual aspects and needs of solar power.
Flat plate collection systems or straight panels do not require as much space as Photo-voltaic (generate electricity) cells. Heated-water is the sole provision of straight panels, which is still a money-saving benefit.
There is more than enough space on the roof to generate power for most households, even though Photo-voltaic cells require more room.
The solar panels should not need any additional load bearing structures and should not limit or obstruct your neighbour's view in any way.
Adding solar panels to a new building design is very cost effective and you should see a return on your investment within a year - well worth the gain from this green resource.
You will need to construct a frame that will support the panels at the required angle, if your home has a flat roof. Insulate the rear of the panels of the system to keep out cold and hold in warmth.
Once the decision to use solar power is made, it is suggested that you consult a professional-be sure to look at performance reviews and check out any references. The same caution should be exercised with any one who deems themselves qualified to take on the job.
After all parts are assembled, it won't be long before you can start using your solar panels. Use the advice given to help you turn your money saving dreams into reality.
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