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    Do you want to save thousands off the cost of solar panels? Of course you do! You can now make solar panels at home! You have probably read about it or seen it on TV, but have you tried it yourself?

Live Green and Save Money - 5 Tips on How to Do Both at the Same Time

Do you want to live greener but worry about the cost? You are not alone. It is common to find green products priced at a premium to their less green counterparts. But frugal green living is doable. Here are 5 easy things you can do now to enjoy the benefits from living greener and save money at the same time.

1. Use a clothesline: An electric or gas clothes dryer is an enormous energy hog. Along with air conditioning and the refrigerator, the dryer is one of the most energy-intensive appliances in your home. Hanging your laundry to dry on a clothesline will both green your lifestyle and save you some green (as in greenbacks: about $100 per year.

2. Set your thermostat: Maintaining the temperature in your home a little cooler in the winter and a little warmer in the summer will cut down on those utility bills as you reduce energy consumption. Savings will also result from adjusting your thermostat so that you are not heating or cooling your home unnecessarily when you are gone. A programmable thermostat makes these adjustments for you automatically, but even if yours is not programmable you can make the necessary adjustments manually in about thirty seconds a day. And you could save several hundred dollars per year this way.

3. Plan meals with more veggies: Fresh vegetables cost less than meat (average price of 64 cents per pound compared with $4.15 per pound for beef and $2.93 per pound for pork, according to one source), so by eating more veggies and less meat you will save money. Vegetables also are less stressful on the environment, according to Planet Green. Savings could easily add up to $100 per person or more each year.

4. Use water wisely: Fix (or have fixed) leaks from the toilet, faucet, or sprinklers as soon as possible. A running toilet can waste a surprising amount of water in only a day, with dramatic effects on your water bill. And there is no reason the faucet should run while you are brushing your teeth or shaving. That water is simply going straight down the drain, along with a little of your money to pay for it.

5. Make your own green cleaning products: Green cleaning products sound great, but unfortunately they usually cost more. Why spend five bucks on a green household cleaners when you can easily make your own for about 90% less. Baking soda can clean many things. For a simple, cheap household cleaner, mix about 25 cents worth of baking soda and 25 cents worth of white vinegar or lemon juice in water. You can put in a few drops of an essential oil to create a fragrance as an optional upgrade. Want a green toothpaste, but balk at paying 4 to 5 dollars a tube? Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a two to three drops of hydrogen peroxide. Put this on your toothbrush and use like toothpaste.

Just doing a few simple things like these will allow you to save money as your live greener.

Steve Stillwater is passionate about developing a greener lifestyle, and he wants to help you incorporate easy-to-implement green living ideas into your life. He offers ideas and tips on easy ways to create a greener lifestyle that can also save you money at http://www.livinggreenandsavingenergy.com. Sign up for his free newsletter and get 2 Free Reports: 1) 10 Easy Ways to Save Gas and 2) 2010's Top 20 Fuel Efficient Cars.

Living Green - A Green Air Filter For Your Vehicle

We often overlook the simple things when we think about living green.

Here's a perfect example: your car's air filter.

The air filter is one of the quickest and easiest "repairs" you can make. Here's all you have to do to check to see if needs replacing:

Pop open the hood of your vehicle. Look for the largest non-metal casing. It can be rectangular or circular, and it's a little larger than a huge hardback book. Loosen the wing nuts (or in some cases, clamps) that hold the cap in place. Remove the filter.

Hold it up to the light to see if it needs replacing. Fan through the paper wings to see if there's an accumulation of dirt and dust settled between them. If that's the case, it's time to replace your filter.

That's how easy it is.

You just drop in a new filter and you're all set.

And you'll be pleased to hear that not only will changing the filter help your vehicle run more efficiently and thereby go easier on the environment, but that you can now use green air filters.

Just to make sure... a "green" filter does not refer to the color. It refers to an environmentally friendly filter.

So how often should you check your filter?

Your vehicle's manual should have the answer for you. But if you no longer have yours, a general rule of thumb is to change it every 12 months or 12,000 miles.

And why should you use a green air filter?

You'll be pleased to learn that a green filter is reusable. Instead of replacing it every year, all you have to do is pull it out, clean it, and put it back in.

Is that cool, or what?

Of course, there's a catch. You're going to pay more for an environmentally friendly air filter. Approximately 2 to 4 times more than a regular filter. So you'll need to spend a little more upfront to save a lot more (in time, money, and convenience) down the road.

It's also worth noting that cotton is the primary material in these filters. A great plus for those landfills since cotton breaks down quickly and is absorbed into the earth without doing any damage.

This is just one of many green living tips. Find more.

Discover a whole slew of green living tips, and pick up a free copy of our ebook, Top Living Green Tips at: http://livinggreentips.org

Passing US Climate Bill Might Be Deterred - Affect on Green Living Unclear

The U.S. climate bill backed and pushed by Senator John Kerry, which contains incentives to build a dozen nuclear power plants, could be deterred once again in favor of an immigration bill. This could seriously affect green living and how much money goes into pushing green living ideas on a national level.

The climate-control legislation aims to bring the United States into a global effort to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and increase health of Americans. Many say these greenhouse gases are a cause for global warming. The climate bill also includes the approval of government spending on 12 nuclear power plants. These plants influence green living in the following ways:

* A coal power plant releases 100 times as much radiation as a nuclear power plant

* Deaths at nuclear power plants from 1970-92 were only 8 as opposed to 342 at coal plants and 85 for natural gas

* Nuclear plants do not produce carbon dioxide, which helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions

* According to a 2007 story on 60 Minutes, nuclear power gives France the cleanest and cheapest air in any industrialized country

Although nuclear power plants are a great source of help for green living and the environment, there are not many of them because of how much they cost. One plant can cost $5-10 billion to build, which is why they need government funding. Because of this, not one nuclear plant has been governmentally approved in three decades! The climate bill also includes the following:

* Protections against regulatory delays

* Loan guarantees

* Cap o emissions from power plants that would begin in 2013

* Value of permits in the market would be limited to an initial maximum of $25 per ton

This climate bill is not the first version; these added points are changes from the original. Some of these amendments were green tips to help ensure it being more appeasing to senators; it is less stringent on big polluters, therefore there will be fewer complaints from major companies if it is passed. However, the Senate doubts the legislation will pass this year because their main priority is the immigration bill.

Melissa Rubin is a senior copywriter and Web developer at OTO Networks, a digital marketing company located in Baltimore, Maryland. Her primary responsibilities include SEO, link building and creating content for multiple sites. A preview of a site on which she has worked, http://www.GreenParentingSolutions.com, is available with this article.

Raising Your Baby Green - 5 Tips

When one finds themselves pregnant they think about all the things they want to do to provide the best environment for their child and best upbringing. One of these factors for many is to bring their child up in an environmentally friendly environment. Green living is important for most parents. This article has 5 tips to being a green parent.

Breastfeed - There is nothing more eco-friendly than breastfeeding. No bottles required, no electricity needed to heat the milk and no added materials. Breastfeeding provides all the nourishment your child needs without having to rely on packaged goods and add to the waste that is already accumulating massively on our planet.
Eat Healthily - It is always best to opt for organic products whenever you can. You can also grow your own fruits and vegetables to get the best organic food you could ever hope for. Eating a healthy diet full of raw fruits and vegetables will make your feel better, cut down the impact you have on the earth and provide your child will lots of nourishment. If your child sees you eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables they will catch on to and will love picking them from their own garden.
Use Alternatives To Cleaning Products - Cleaning products are full of harsh chemicals that can affect you and your child's health. They are also unnecessary and there are plenty of green alternatives. You can even use things such as lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda and do not have to rely on the green products you find in stores. Try to also reduce your use of personal care products such as shampoos and bubble bath. Water, for the most part, is all you need. You can also get organic natural products that will last longer so not only are better for your health but also have less of an impact of the environment as a whole.
Stick To Natural Toys & Limit Them - Generally the simplest things can be the best toys for children. A cardboard box, for example, can give a child hours of fun, whereas plastic toys with flashing lights often lose the interest of children fairly quickly. Try to get your child natural toys that stimulate imagination, intellect and health rather than plastic toys that can be hazard to health and do not allow your child's imagination to run wild.
Buy Less - Babies do not need as much stuff as people insist. For some they don't even need a cot or a pushchair. Only buy what is essential and that you need. Buying less is a great thing to learn and adapt to and is much better for the environment.

Looking for a baby cot bed or cot bedding? Check out our website for the best prices and deals in the UK.

Saving Money While Shopping Green - Top Tips For Eco-Conscious Consumers

What's the top reason shoppers don't buy green? (Hint: It ain't cheap.)

That's right. Price.

According to the 2007 GfK Roper Green Gauge® Study, about 40% of Americans say they'd pay for a product that's better for the environment. But at the same time, 74% of those surveyed say green products are too expensive. Hopefully, supply and demand will eventually bring down the price of eco-friendly goods. But in the meantime, how can green shoppers save a buck?

Here are a few thrifty tips that can help eco-conscious consumers stretch their dollars:

How to Find Green Bargains

Sales: There are lots of green e-tailers with sales pages and seasonal promotions on their websites -- everyone from big companies such as green living cataloger Gaiam to small mom-and-pop businesses.

Coupons: Unfortunately, coupons for organic foods are not nearly as common as they are for conventional grocery items. However, many organic dairy companies, such as Horizon Organic and Stonyfield Farms, do offer coupons on their websites.

Bulk Discounts: Buying in bulk is one of the easiest ways to save money. Amazon.com offers lots of super-sized green goods -- everything from 10 packs of Seventh Generation paper towels to 4 packs of Ecos Laundry Detergent. Many organic meat companies offer bulk savings through their websites as well. If a large quantity order is too much for your household, find a "bulk buddy" and split the order.

Free Shipping: Free shipping deals from green e-tailers offer a great value for folks who don't live within easy driving distance to stores with eco-friendly products. Just be sure to read the fine print -- minimum purchase orders and restrictions often apply.

How to Win Green Prizes

Sweepstakes: More and more companies are sponsoring sweepstakes for eco-friendly products. We caution you to review the prize description carefully to determine whether the prize is indeed eco-friendly.  If you're not sure what makes a product green, check out Consumer Reports' Greener Choices and Green America's Shop & Unshop -- both of these not-for-profit organizations offer helpful information.

Contests: A lot fewer people enter contests, where the winner is determined by "skill" -- like the best essay, best video, etc. So your odds of winning a contest are generally a lot higher than winning a sweepstakes, where the winner is determined randomly. We have seen some great contests out there, especially for school-related prizes (like a $200,000 hybrid school bus!)

We hope these tips help you save green and win green while you go green. Good luck!

Ecobunga! (http://www.ecobunga.com) lists hundreds of deals and giveaways for eco-friendly products -- everything from coupons on organic foods to sweepstakes for hybrid cars.

To kick-start your green winnings, we invite you to enter Ecobunga's own monthly green giveaways, too! Just visit http://www.ecobunga.com/giveaway

Your May Green Gardening Tips

Green gardening might sound repetitive, but it means organic gardening; not using pesticides and manmade fertilizers to make your garden grow. You don't need to know everything there is to know about a garden to start organic gardening, but knowing when things should be pruned, picked and planted is a good place to start. Green living is incorporating all parts of your life to be more eco-friendly, and that includes your gardening!

Here is a list of green gardening tips for the month of May:

1. Remove faded Lilac flowers

This green gardening tip helps promote better flowering next year and will rejuvenate tired, bare plants by taking out the thickest stems entirely.

2. Sow cosmos seeds

Cosmos is a type of flower that tends to become weedy, but if properly sowed (in a grid pattern) weeds can be deterred.

3. Cut back late-season Perennials

Cutting down about half of the late-season perennials helps promote bushier growth and better flowering. Contenders to keep an eye on are buddleias, eupatorium, asters and goldenrods.

4. Repot pot-bound houseplants

Repotting plants helps prolong the life of the plant as well as the beauty of the flower/growth of the vegetable. Simply take the plant outside and hose off the old soil. Trim the roots if necessary, then repot in a slightly larger pot than before.

5. Search for and remove aphids

Aphids can weaken plants and transmit disease, which is why they need to be killed as quickly as possible. The good thing is they're easy to get rid of. If you are trying to save money you can simply spray them water, or use an organic gardening insecticide like insecticidal soap.

6. Suppress parasitic leafhoppers

Use a green gardening safe horticultural oil to suppress the population from growing. Leafhoppers are most prevalent on black-eyed susans, coneflowers, and lespedeza.

7. Remove faded daffodil stalks

Remove the stalks, but keep the leaves until they begin to yellow in June. Be careful not to braid or fold the leaves, because this leads to bulb growth impairment.

8. Spray eastern tent caterpillars

A biological control called Bt can be sprayed on the larvae of these blue-striped caterpillars. These guys are especially treacherous to roses, crab apples, cherry and peach trees and cotoneasters.

Since it is May, don't forget your green spring cleaning either! Cleaning your house as well as cleaning your garden is a springtime tradition that not only cleans out clutter but can help your mental and physical health!

Melissa Rubin is a senior copywriter and Web developer at OTO Networks, a digital marketing company located in Baltimore, Maryland. Her primary responsibilities include SEO, link building and creating content for multiple sites. A preview of a site on which she has worked, http://www.AGreenRetirement.com, is available with this article.

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