Green Living - How to Have an Eco Friendly Home

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last several years, you have probably heard plenty about "going green". The idea of living an environmentally friendly lifestyle has become extremely popular in recent days. Many times, people think of saving the environment as simply recycling or putting solar panels on your home. However, there are other simple ways to live greener at home without spending a fortune. Here are some things to consider when you decide you want to live a more planet friendly lifestyle.

The first thing you can do is replace all of your light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights. This is a very simple thing to do and can be done on a continuous basis until all of the light bulbs have burned out and have been replaced. Another thing you can do is pay as many of your bills online as possible so that you are saving paper. You can also support your local area by shopping at the farmers market. This means that the food you eat has not been trucked in from long distances, thus saving gas and emissions from a large truck. You can also fix any leaky faucets that are in your home, which will help conserve water.

Another thing you can do is call your local power company and ask them to come out and do an energy audit of your home. They can give you ideas and tips on ways to make your home more energy efficient including insulating around doors and windows. You can also line dry your laundry or buy a drying rack. This will help conserve the energy required when using your clothes dryer. You could lower the temperature on your hot water heater, which will conserve energy and help with your yearly power bills. In fact, limiting yourself to a five-minute shower will also help conserve water and energy.

Washing your laundry in cold water instead of hot is another way to save as well as turning off the lights when leaving the room. Another popular idea is to stop using the plastic disposable bags at the grocery store and purchase reusable bags that you can bring with you. Also, stop buying bottled water, as the huge amount of plastic being dumped into our landfills is unbelievable. Instead, you can buy an aluminum bottle and refill it. You may also choose to walk or ride a bike as often as possible if your errands are within a mile or two of your home.

These are just a few simple tips that can help you learn how to live an earth friendly lifestyle. It really is simple to go green at home if you just use a little effort and research.

Recycling and conserving energy is a responsibility we share, but does not have to be a tedious job. Learn fun and creative ways to go green at

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