Why We Must All Recycle

The earth is in trouble, and it is time for us to step up. It has cared for us from the beginning of time, and now it is time for us to return that love. The irresponsible steps taken by human beings in the past have resulted in serious consequences in the present, and can lead to much more in the future. You may think that you, as a single person, cannot make much of a difference. But here is where you are wrong. If each of us tried to do our bit, it would result in some positive change. It is up to each and every one of us to be pro active, for the betterment of the environment.

Human beings have for a long time been selfish. They use what they need or want, and throw what they do not. In this process, they do not realize, or rather, do not care that what they dispose is polluting the planet. All forms of waste present in the environment today speak for such action. It is time for us to take steps to clean up our mess. Also, we must find ways to reduce, and eventually eliminate the waste we put out. A major way to do so is Recycling.

Recycling is the process of sorting out items that originally seem like waste, processing them to make items that are useful and using them. It also means to utilize items that can be reused, instead of those which have a short life.

More and more people are turning to recycling these days. Anything from glass bottles, cans, clothes, to newspapers are being handed in for recycling. And this is because, once you start, it becomes a part of your day to day routine. Simple acts such as choosing cloth bags over plastic, and separating the recyclable items from the rest of your trash, can go a long way. Reducing the use of items that pollute the environment, like plastic can help save our beautiful flora and fauna.

The resources of the earth such as metals and oils are exhaustible. With the increase in population and technology, this means that these resources are used up at a much higher rate. This is the biggest reason to recycle such resources, to prevent them from depleting. Many companies are hence doing just that, and taking in old and outdated versions of their products, and recycling them for the new.

Recycling plants now reward people for collecting recyclable items. This givens people an added incentive to take steps in the right direction. Also, in the process of recycling matter, people are given jobs. Compare these jobs to the ones in landfills and handling incinerators and you will see how beneficial they can be.

Recycling can be a neighbourhood practice, with each person motivating the rest. It helps the community bond over a common cause. Children are the future, and they must be taught to care and conserve from a young age, so that they may grow to make it a part of their lives.

With all these reasons to recycle, we can all understand its importance. As children we were all taught the three Rs in education- Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic. Now it is important that we learn the three Rs in waste management- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

To know more, visit http://www.recycling.ca/

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