Solar Panels - Is Solar Power a Viable Source for Generating Homemade Electricity?

In 1883 the first solar cell was built. It was made by a man named Charles Fritts. But back then it was only one percent efficient and not a lot of attention was given to this matter.

Fast forward now to 2011, and you will find that there are solar powered generator plants and equipment that can generate Megawatts of output. We as Humans realise that there are cosiquences to polluting our atmosphere, and burning fossil fuels taken from Mother Earth.

And we as a Human Race can put an end to all of our environmental problems, and issues. We have to stop relying on burning fossil fuels a a source of energy.

Why the Sun has been burning the fossil fuels for us for millions of years. Why do we need to burn more that is actually needed? Maybe because of our greed? Who knows?

All we know is this...We CAN use the Sun as a source of energy to generate electricity, and heat to suit our demanding lifestyles.

And you CAN reduce your energy bill by up to 60% or even 100%...YES! Free homemade electricity and heat. When I tell people that they can have free energy at home, they just laugh, and tell me to stop dreaming.

"Nothing in life is free" they all say. And it makes me sad to hear them say it. LIFE is FREE. Isn't it? And the life source of our world is the Sun. Earth doesn't get an energy bill, every millennium or so, by the Sun. Does it? NO IT DOESN'T. It's FREE.

And now we as Man can with the help of science, and a few dollars spent at your local hardware store, build your own solar panels to generate your own homemade electricity. Not just solar panels, but wind powered generators, magnetic generators, and other solar powered electricity systems too.

How is this possible? Well, you see the internet has made it possible for us to have all this information at our fingertips. The problem is, that you have to go and filter through millions of websites to get the right information to do this.

Well you have come to the right place at exactly the right time.

I have made it easy for you to choose the right guides on how to generate free homemade electricity. There are four free reviews on the best diy solar panel guides on the net. Don't rush into just buying anything out there on the net.

Find the best guide to suit your needs and your pocket. Not only will you learn about building solar panels, you will also have access to plans on building windmill turbines, magnetic generators, and Tesla generators.

Yes you CAN generate your own homemade electricity and save thousands on your energy bill.

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