How To Go Green - A Green Living Tip That Will Change Your Life
Many tips on how to go green focus on saving energy, conserving water and resources, and, of course, saving money. These are important benefits of going green, to be sure.
But the green living tip I am sharing with you today gives you all those benefits and more. In fact, this is a green living tip that will change your life-for the better.
Americans spend way too much time watching TV. The latest statistics are that the Americans watch about 5 hours of TV a day on average. That adds up to an astonishing 1825 hours per year. All this time in front of the boob tube takes $8 billion out of US households each year in energy costs alone. But the energy cost is not the biggest problem for most people. The biggest problem by far is the loss of productive time.
Now, I am not saying that you should get rid of your TV, or that you should unplug it and put it in the closet (although this might not the a bad idea for some people). I am suggesting that you should cut back on your TV watching.
Consider the benefits. You will save on electricity. Televisions, and especially the modern large-screen, high definition versions, require 200 to 500 watts of power each. Add to that another 45-50 watts of power for the cable boxes. Less TV watching will cut electricity usage. ?But, if you eliminate just 1 hour of TV time per day-not a big change for most people-it could be worth a lot more to you than just the energy you save.
Think of the extra time that you will gain.
By just eliminating one hour per day of TV watching time, you will gain 365 hours per year of extra time to do something else. That is the equivalent of about 46 extra work days (assuming an 8-hour work day) of time every year to do something productive or family oriented-or even self-indulgent.
Imagine what you can accomplish with all that additional time to spend as you choose. You can read, play sports or games with your kids, develop a new hobby, take up organic gardening, or even start to learn a new language-the possibilities are only limited by your imagination and creativity. And if you eliminate 2 hours of TV per day, all the benefits double!
Cutting back on TV watching will not only contribute to a greener lifestyle at home. Reducing your TV time could dramatically alter your life-for the better.
And now I would like to invite you to sign up for my FREE 7-day E-Course "How To Live Greener and Save Money" at
This 7-day e-mail course will show you how to make your lifestyle greener while saving money at the same time.
Would you like to save up to $1000 per year for life by going green? The Ebook "6 Weeks To A Greener Lifestyle" shows you how. And "How To Take A Green Vacation" gives you all the information you need to travel in a more eco-friendly manner. Get all the details here:
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