• Made Own Solar Panel Made Own Solar Panel
    Do you want to save thousands off the cost of solar panels? Of course you do! You can now make solar panels at home! You have probably read about it or seen it on TV, but have you tried it yourself?

Ten Cheap and Easy Tips For Going Green

We all know that our planet is in a danger zone, and it is imperative that the governments of the world act quickly to halt, and reverse, the damage that has already been done to our air, soil and water. But what can you and I do in our busy lives to make a difference? We hear about car pooling, riding bicycles instead of driving and buying energy efficient appliances, but those things are not always possible, and can be expensive too. How about a few simple things you can do at home that won't cost you much, and can even save you money?

Check out these ten cheap and easy tips, so you can help too:

1. Change your toilet paper: Standing forests are harvested to make your toilet paper soft and fluffy. Over 20% of conventional toilet paper comes from old growth and second growth living trees, and chlorine bleach, an environmental toxin, is used to whiten the pulp. Do you really need your toilet paper to be that fluffy, and why on earth must it be white? It is estimated that if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of conventional toilet paper with a roll made from recycled paper, it could save almost half a million trees! And if you buy in bulk (available online too) the price can be about the same as you're paying now.

2. Put a lid on it: When you boil water, say for pasta, put a lid on the pot. When you are boiling water for tea, fill the kettle with just a little bit more than what you need, instead of boiling a full kettle for one cup. It may not seem like much, but if everyone does it (like voting) it will make a significant difference.

3. Unplug: It is estimated that you can save over a thousand pounds of carbon dioxide per year by unplugging the electronic devices in your home while not in use. Don't leave cell phone adapters plugged in when you're done recharging, and unplug toasters, coffee pots etc. when not in use. You can put TVs, DVDs etc. on power strips that are easy to reach. You don't need everything on standby mode while you are at work all day.

4. Check your tire pressure: It is possible to save up to $800 worth of gas per year simply by keeping your tires properly inflated. You use more gas when they are low and that is money out of your pocket, and emissions into the air we all have to breathe.

5. Don't idle your car: How many times have you sat in your car with the engine running, waiting to pick the kids up, or while someone just runs into the store for a quick minute? If it is for more than 30 seconds, turn it off! The exception is in traffic, of course, where that could be unsafe.

6. Air dry clothes whenever possible: The weather is warmer now and you'd be surprised how quick and easy it is to let the sun dry your clothes. For about $12, you can buy a simple folding rack and put it on the patio, by a sunny window, or even just in a corner of the living room overnight. After they are dry, you can fluff towels and T-shirts in the dryer without heat for three or four minutes to soften them up, but you'll find that it is not necessary for much of your laundry. If every household in the United States air dried just ONE load of laundry per year, we could keep 250,000 tons of carbon dioxide out of our atmosphere! This is the equivalent to reducing coal use by 30 million tons each year!

7. Stop using air fresheners full of toxic chemicals: Don't spray more nasty stuff into the air you and your family breathe every day. Look for all natural alternatives (lots available online if your local store doesn't carry any), or try these two simple ideas: sprinkle baking soda on your carpets for an hour or two before vacuuming to absorb odors, and make your own air freshener by putting orange or lemon peels in a pot with two or three cups of water. Add a little cinnamon or a bay leaf or two, and simmer slowly. This adds a lovely scent to your home, naturally.

8. Don't throw your old batteries away: If rechargeable batteries are too pricey for you, save your old batteries in a box or old plastic bag and take them to a recycler once or twice a year. Many of the large hardware chains now have recycling receptacles for batteries. Or call 1-800-8-BATTERY or 1-877-2-RECYCLE to find out where you can recycle near your home.

9. Stop adding kitchen sponges to landfill: I bought a half dozen terry cloth washcloths on sale for 49 cents each. I use one a day and toss it in the laundry when I'm done with it. If you have the time, cut up an old towel (that you were going to throw away or give to the thrift store) and hem the edges. You'll save money too, as these can be washed and re-used for years.

10. Save water: In our house, it takes a long time for the water in the shower or kitchen sink to get warm enough. Instead of letting all that water run down the drain (and pay for it too) we fill up the watering can, the water purifier pitcher, and a medium sized bucket and utilize every drop. The bucket can be used to flush a toilet (just pour about half of the bucket in quickly) or taken outside to water the garden. We've cut our water use almost in half just with this simple step.

All of these tips are simple, quick and easy, and will save you money too. They may seem like small steps, but if we all start with the little things, we'll be better able to tackle the big ones. And remember, every little bit helps!

I have co-founded a website that is dedicated to those who wish to live a more natural and organic life. Together with my sister Kathy, we have created Organic Eden. Our site has lots and lots of information about planting and growing your own organic garden, and about creating a more natural and eco-friendly home. We've done the research for you, and our website provides links to many natural and safe products for your garden, home and family. We are both grandmothers who want a safer and healthier world to pass on to our grandchildren.

We'd love to have you visit us at http://www.organic-eden.com today.

Tips For Eco Friendly Clothing

Within the ever-changing world we live in the current purchasing trend seems to tell consumers to, "Go green," even though half of us do not fully comprehend exactly what that means. Sure, it would b fantastic to buy products and services similar to what we already use while protecting the environment at the same time, but with all the gimmicks and sales out there how can a consumer know exactly what is legitimate and what is a scam? For example, I recently read an article that said green clothing is now the latest fashion; but even the author himself did not seem to know what that meant while he threw around bold statements and predictions. This article will focus on green clothing and exactly what the media does not want you to know.

To start...is there such a thing as "green clothing?" The short answer is yes, because industry has made it possible in recent years to recycle almost anything. Tires are being made into shoes (which ironically cost more than the tires did when new), tee shirts are made from all kinds of recycled materials, and jeans are constructed from threads that are more renewable within our environments. With that said, the same process that pumps toxic chemicals into our atmosphere is used to recycle many of these materials, so it may more likely be a scenario of killing a forest to save a neighboring tree. While this is not true in all cases, I only mention it to be fair to all parties and help consumers stay informed.

Now that the definition is partially out of the way, how does one determine if a piece of clothing is green? The answer comes from observing the clothing labels that you see within department stores and outlets; two key phrases you are looking for are "made from 100% recycled material" and "made from sustainable resources." What these mean is that either the clothing was made from something from the past or it is created from sources that regenerate faster than it is harvested. By using these processes the strain on natural resources are reduced and it allows our world to recover from the damages we have already caused by aggressive consumption.

So what about the clothing you already have? Well, the resources for those have already been collected, produced in a factory likely dangerous to the environment, and shipped overseas for another drastic waste in natural fossil fuels. No matter what damages may have been created by your former purchases, they are certainly not causing any harm to the environment in their current condition and they should be worn as long as possible. Their usable lives can be extended by washing them less frequently or with gentle cycles, and future purchases should also be made with durability in mind. By wearing clothing that will last longer or searching for brands made with recycled or renewable materials, you are effectively doing your part in joining the green revolution and protecting the environment. Not to the extent that others would have you believe, mind you, but a difference nonetheless.

Tip: For more eco friendly savings, see the Go Green Coupons from CouponShack.com.

Sok has been helping every day people save money since 2001. It began as a objective to learn how to save money with coupons for online purchases every now and then but has since evolved to a lifestyle. Now Sok spends his time, both online and offline, not only looking for coupons but also how to go beyond just coupons to get extreme savings on every day items. "Don't under-estimate the value of a coupon"

Tips for Living Green

Going green can mean many different things to many people, but all of us can do a little to help our environment. With all our problems in today's society, we sometimes forget about environmental issues which are all around us. Here are a few tips for green living that you can apply to your daily routine.

Recycling is something that is simple to do since many municipalities have added this feature to their waste departments. You see the eco green symbols on containers just about everywhere, but what does that really mean? By recycling plastics, aluminum cans, cardboard, and glass you help new techniques using these recycled goods in roadways, furniture, paper products, and many items we use in our everyday lives.
Using rainwater can be a very smart way to save on water usage. Water is such a precious resource that sometimes we take it for granted. By placing a rain collection system outside to collect rain water you can use this water to water your garden and yard when needed. About 20% of our water usage is used outside of our homes.
When purchasing appliances look for the energy star rating sticker to assure you that you are buying an appliance that meets new green energy standards for electrical usage. Not only will you save money on your electrical cost but you are helping cut CO2 emissions or green house gases.
Start replacing your incandescent light bulbs with new CFL bulbs. CFL bulbs can save you up to 75% over the life of a light bulb lasting five times longer than regular incandescent bulbs. CFL stands for compact fluorescent lamp.
The biggest use of energy is the heating of water in our homes. By installing instant hot water heaters you can save up to 30% of your cost of heating water. On this same topic, you can help conserve your hot water usage by cutting down your shower time, using cold water to wash clothes, and do the same when running your dishwasher.
Sealing our homes my caulking around windows and doors can keep your heat in during the winter months, and air conditioning bills lower by not letting air escape. Maintaining proper insulation in our attics and walls can keep your heating and cooling cost to a minimum. Try wearing warmer clothes during winter, this way you can drop your thermostat to a lower setting, reducing your energy cost even more.
Also using green rated cleaning products can have an impact on our environment by not placing pollutants back into eco system.
When it comes time to purchase a new vehicle, consider one of the hybrid type that either runs on alternative fuels or electricity. These types of vehicles reduce exhaust emissions by putting fewer pollutants back into our air.

These are just a few tips for living green that I touched on. To look at other alternatives for going green consider solar panels or a wind turbine to produce your own electricity.

Jerry Standefer is a energy consultant with backgrounds in electrical and physics. He owns a successful renewable energy business. Earth Power Energy Systems Jerry offers a free energy report at his website. Sign up today for your free copy. Follow Jerry on Facebook

Top Green Cleaning Tips in the Laundry Room For Instant Savings

The laundry room was always a place I knew I could improve my living habits, but felt rather helpless at first. Over time, I've come to develop a method for how to efficiently do laundry and not be so wasteful.

Pay Attention to the Size of Your Loads.

I used to never pay attention my loads of wash, I'd just fill the washer to the brim and that was it. I never came downstairs to a flooded basement before, but I should have...it's easy to get reckless. Large loads are always the way to go, but not overloaded.

Let me clarify here: Fill your washer until your clothes are up to the water level, but not going over. I like to peek into my washer once the cycle starts to see if anything is above water. If you have a side loader, good for you. This is definitely better than a top loader. I can't wait for my washer to die so I can get one of those and really reduce my impact. Also, if you have a small load of wash, wait it out until you have more wash to do. If it's an emergency, ensure you adjust for less water to be used. The clothes need to be able to shuffle around freely in order to get clean, and they don't need excess water, either.

Use Cold Water Whenever Possible.

This one may seem obvious, but I definitely recommend it. You won't need to worry about shrinking your clothing, and you won't be using as much energy. Cold water gets the job done just like warm or hot water does.

Also with regards to temperature, I recommend keeping your laundry room a bit warmer, or at least not so humid if possible. Luckily for me, since I have a studio in my basement I need to keep it dehumidified anyway. A cold and damp room will definitely degrade your washer and force it to work way harder than it needs to.

My Favorite: Make Your Own Detergent!

At first I thought this would be hard, but detergent is more or less soap and water. You will save more than 75% on your washing costs just by using your own detergent. Even better, it's simple to make and your clothes will be all the same.

For some reason, my mother likes to give me bars of soap...I think she's trying to tell me something. For personal hygiene, I use liquid castile soap (Dr. Bronner's, of course!), so up until recently all of these bars of soap had no purpose for me. All you'll need is a 5 gallon bucket, your stove, a bar of soap and a box of washing soda. I'll keep this simple: Heat up 4 cups of water in a pan to near-boiling and shred an entire bar of soap into the mix. This will get super bubbly and awesome, but shouldn't make a mess. Put three gallons of hot water into your 5 gallon bucket, then add your soapy solution you just made and stir. Finally, add the washing soda and stir some more.

That's really all there is to it...you just made detergent with less chemicals and for next to no cost. I don't add borax to the solution, since it's not very eco friendly and I don't think it's necessary at all. Give it a shot.

With these simple tips, you'll notice a few things: Cleaner clothes, serious money saving, less energy being used. I think this is one area where anyone can employ these tips immediately and see serious benefits right away. I bet your friends will be impressed and hopefully you will encourage them to do the same.

Obviously, these tips are just the beginning of an eco friendly green cleaning program. Once I started seeing the effects of putting these techniques in place, I got really into subbing out all the store-bought cleaning chemicals in my house and making my own varieties. I honestly believe that the do-it-yourself green cleaning lifestyle is the wave of the future, and that it's extremely satisfying.

Read more about Tyler's passions and uncover the #1 secret to eco friendly living: http://www.tylertalkstrash.com

Why Bother With Eco Friendly Living Anyway?

Before I even get into the specifics, you need to decide if greening your lifestyle is right for you. I'll answer it for you: yes. If you think it's totally lame, just do it and don't talk about it. We're behind the times and it's strange because the results of eco friendly living will save you money and simplify your lifestyle immensely.

Recycling has a huge impact...really it does!

Ever notice that when you really make an effort to separate your materials between trash, lawn waste, and recycling that your trash is the smallest piles Now multiply that by every household in the US to get an idea of the magnitude we're talking. Exactly. Unfortunately that is not the end of the process.

Here's the funny part, I'll be the first to remind you that just because you put your materials in the blue bin, doesn't mean they get recycled. They've only been given a chance to potentially be recycled. I sincerely hope that this fact becomes more common knowledge over time...I don't want the average citizen to think that recycling is the high point of their societal contributions. Simply put, just because material is collected and separated, doesn't mean that industry needs to buy it back and use it. There will most likely always be a market for aluminum cans, but glass and most plastics aren't seen as important. Obviously this is a shame considering the harm caused by plastics that is going to continually confront us from here on out.

It's a great dialogue to have with our children.

I don't know what your childhood was like, but mine was one of avoiding my parents as much as possible. I think it's natural for kids to want to separate from their parents as much as they can, but assigning them to oversee recycling efforts in the house can be huge. Challenge them to think how to repurpose materials that would otherwise be tossed out.

Kids can feel like they own up to something important, and they can earn their allowance this way...if you give them one! Chances are, they're learning about sustainability and their duty for the future in school, so this is a great bridge to cross. Bring out the artistic side in them and challenge them to come up with ways to reuse items that would otherwise be thrown away. This is also a good opportunity to talk to your kids about the importance of donating excess material such as clothing, shoes, and really anything for that matter. Having a sustainable mindset makes for a better person.

Increased satisfaction from consuming less.

Whether it's turning off the tap until you're done brushing your teeth, or taking your backpack to the grocery store with you, the little things add up and make a huge difference. Culture change is contagious, so do your part and watch it spread.

Try to add a new habit or change on a daily (or near-daily) basis and observe what happens. You're probably noticing that it's not uncommon anymore in the daily lifestyle and it's constantly in the news. It seems that businesses are constantly going green and making it just a little bit easier for the consumer to move through our daily routines that much more efficiently. Become more conscious of what exactly you're buying and what the end results will be. This thought process isn't going away anytime soon and it's going to get easier as it becomes natural to do so. People inherently want to do the right thing, and luckily the movement is in the right direction.

By simplifying your lifestyle you will notice the benefits it has on your pocketbook, your family and friends, your overall demeanor. Don't believe mes I challenge you to try a few things out and see what happens. If you think being green and minimizing your impact on the planet is lame, then start writing about it and tell everyone you know. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help point you in the right direction.

Keep in mind that it's up to you what you do with your life, but that greening your behaviors is a respectable and satisfying endeavor that will change your perspectives a bit. You'll save money, engage in new conversations with your children, and be doing the right thing.

Tyler urges you to put your thinking cap on and devise a plan to reduce your energy consumption and be rewarded with saving money and feeling good about yourself. Free sustainability report and reviews show how you can achieve dramatic savings in little time. Discover it here:


Your May Green Gardening Tips

Green gardening might sound repetitive, but it means organic gardening; not using pesticides and manmade fertilizers to make your garden grow. You don't need to know everything there is to know about a garden to start organic gardening, but knowing when things should be pruned, picked and planted is a good place to start. Green living is incorporating all parts of your life to be more eco-friendly, and that includes your gardening!

Here is a list of green gardening tips for the month of May:

1. Remove faded Lilac flowers

This green gardening tip helps promote better flowering next year and will rejuvenate tired, bare plants by taking out the thickest stems entirely.

2. Sow cosmos seeds

Cosmos is a type of flower that tends to become weedy, but if properly sowed (in a grid pattern) weeds can be deterred.

3. Cut back late-season Perennials

Cutting down about half of the late-season perennials helps promote bushier growth and better flowering. Contenders to keep an eye on are buddleias, eupatorium, asters and goldenrods.

4. Repot pot-bound houseplants

Repotting plants helps prolong the life of the plant as well as the beauty of the flower/growth of the vegetable. Simply take the plant outside and hose off the old soil. Trim the roots if necessary, then repot in a slightly larger pot than before.

5. Search for and remove aphids

Aphids can weaken plants and transmit disease, which is why they need to be killed as quickly as possible. The good thing is they're easy to get rid of. If you are trying to save money you can simply spray them water, or use an organic gardening insecticide like insecticidal soap.

6. Suppress parasitic leafhoppers

Use a green gardening safe horticultural oil to suppress the population from growing. Leafhoppers are most prevalent on black-eyed susans, coneflowers, and lespedeza.

7. Remove faded daffodil stalks

Remove the stalks, but keep the leaves until they begin to yellow in June. Be careful not to braid or fold the leaves, because this leads to bulb growth impairment.

8. Spray eastern tent caterpillars

A biological control called Bt can be sprayed on the larvae of these blue-striped caterpillars. These guys are especially treacherous to roses, crab apples, cherry and peach trees and cotoneasters.

Since it is May, don't forget your green spring cleaning either! Cleaning your house as well as cleaning your garden is a springtime tradition that not only cleans out clutter but can help your mental and physical health!

Melissa Rubin is a senior copywriter and Web developer at OTO Networks, a digital marketing company located in Baltimore, Maryland. Her primary responsibilities include SEO, link building and creating content for multiple sites. A preview of a site on which she has worked, http://www.AGreenRetirement.com, is available with this article.

10 Simple Green Baby Tips

When becoming a parent we are bombarded with all the must have gadgets that are out. What does your baby really need for his or her well being? Love, nourishment and nurturing are perhaps the most important. Here are 10 simple tips to consider when choosing to raise a green baby.

1. Natural Pregnancy and Birth

Choosing a natural pregnancy and birth can be the beginning of a healthier life for your baby. The atmosphere, the people present at birth, and the mothers well being all have an impact on the baby. Whether you are birthing at home with a midwife, in a birth center, unassisted or even in a hospital you can make a conscious birth choice.

2. Nourishment for Baby

So, baby is born and the first thing is to offer the breast. Breastfeeding is the most natural and ultimate nourishment you can share with your baby. It takes no bottles, no prep time and is ready whenever baby is. If you choose not to breastfeed or have a situation where it is not possible then I would suggest organic baby formula.

3. Cloth or Eco Diapers

Natural elimination is a great way to keep from using diapers at all. It does take patience. I will be honest. Most of the time my children ended up in diapers even though I love the concept. For choosing a green diaper there are many cloth options. From simple pre-folds, all in one and one size fits from birth to toddler you have an array of choices. If cloth isn't your thing there are eco conscious disposable diapers. They are made from natural materials rather than filled with chemicals.

4. Cloth or Eco Baby Wipes

The easiest baby wipes I have found yet are to take old receiving blankets made from cotton and cut them into pieces. If you really want to take the time you can sew around the edges. Baby wash cloths work well too. You can just keep them in a convenient space and wet them with warm water as needed. Another option if you prefer disposable is to use select a size paper towels. You put these into a container with a natural combination such as baking soda and water. The wipes are inexpensive and healthier. If you would like to buy pre-made wipes there are cloth and eco disposables available as well.

5. Natural Skin Care Products

The amount of products your baby needs on his or her skin is minimal. Babies naturally smell sweet so why cover them with lotions and stuff that they do not need. Washing baby simply with water is enough especially when they are in arms. For diaper rashes you can make or purchase calendula salve which is excellent for healing. You can also make or purchase herbal baby powder. There are many natural baby skin care products if you choose to use them. They are much better as a green alternative to synthetic choices.

6. Natural Clothing

Your babies skin needs to breathe. If you choose natural fiber clothing the skin breathes better. Cotton, hemp, bamboo, linen, flax, and wool are some natural choices. Buying clothing at a thrift or consignment store is a green option to buying new.

7. Wear Your Baby

We can learn many things from indigenous cultures. Many have worn their babies on their backs and carry them wherever they go during daily activities. There are so many baby slings and wraps to choose from. Choose one that is comfortable to your body. I highly recommend finding one that does work for you though because this I have used more than anything else.

8. Natural Toys

A baby does not need to be surrounded by toys, toys and more toys. After all they are exploring the world and people around them which is a lot. After a few months if you choose a toy or two going simple is really the best. It does not overwhelm you or the baby. There are non toxic wooden rattles and cloth options which are much better than plastic toys. Staying away from battery operated, noisy toys can keep things simple and peaceful.

9. Blanket

A nice natural fiber blanket is something that I use often with my babies. It can be made from cotton, bamboo or silk and something that is soft for them to lay on, cover and cuddle with.

10. Nature

Ah, how could I have saved the best for last! Spending time in the natural world with your baby can help bring balance into life. A fussy baby can often be calmed in the peaceful outdoors. It also helps establish a connection to nature for the future.

These are a few simple green tips for your baby and you. Enjoy!

Lisa R. Marshall is the facilitator of Path to Nature. Path to Nature is a space to raise awareness of the benefits of living green and in harmony with Nature. For more information or to contact the author you may visit [http://www.pathtonature.com]

4 Unexpected Eco Friendly Green Living Tips

Ready to be surprised by unexpected tips for a better and greener life? Following are 4 tips, please read them while thinking of the positive changes you will have in your life when implementing each or any of these tips. So without any further delay, here are the promised tips for Eco Green Living:

Eco Green Living Tip 1 -

Get rid of your desktop

Have you ever thought that a laptop uses barely 25% of electricity consumed by a desktop computer? Get rid of your desktop computer today and your life will become greener.

If you say to yourself - "can not do that now" and you really do not want to get rid of your desktop computer - you can at least turn it off at night - this will save you a nice 90 dollars a year per computer. 2 computers sum up to $180 a year, if you count in away from home time like vacations and if you are willing to turn off your monitor when you are not next to your computer - this can easily save a $1000 a year.

Eco Green Living Tip 2 -

Upgrade your refrigerator

Have you ever thought that your refrigerator accounts for approximately one sixth of all your energy consumption at home? Upgrading your refrigerator might not be cheap - but considering the electricity savings you can achieve - it will pay for itself! There is a lot of information online about saving money while living a green life while saving money - so look into it! This will help your Eco Green Living.

Even if you decide not to change your refrigerator - you can still save some energy here by adjusting the temperature of your current refrigerator to 37 and 3 degrees.

Eco Green Living Tip 3 -

Throw away your washing machine

Have you ever thought that laundry is your second largest water consumption? While you are at the shop replacing your refrigerator, stop by the washing machines department. Chances are that similar to the savings you will get when upgrading your refrigerator - the washing machine sales will explain you how much of your electricity and water bills you will save after moving to a brand new energy efficient machine.

If you say to yourself - "can not do that now" and you really do not want to get rid of your old washing machine, you can still save up to 80% of the energy your washing machine is using by using cold water to wash clothes.

Eco Green Living Tip 4 -

Find a new house

Your address has a major impact on your eco footprint. A lot of energy is being consumed on transportation when you go to and from work and your kids go to and from school. Move your house and save energy, live green life and have much more quality time with family at your green home.

If you can not afford to move house now - you can live a greener life at your home by doing more: develop a long term home improvement plan that reduces energy resources, improving your life quality and saves money.

I hope you found these steps for eco green living useful and even if you will not change your house - hope this article helped you on your direction to green live. The Internet has a lot of great resources to help you going green - so I hope you keep reading, researching and acting.

Related articles about Eco Green Living: 4 Green Living Tips

About the Author

Harold Casey is passionate about eco green living, he writes about green living, saving energy, saving gas, saving water, solar energy and more - all to help people live a green life. You can visit his website at Eco Green Living

5 Eco-Friendly Green Living Tips That Save Money

Green living is not only good for our planet, it can be good for our wallets as well! By following a few eco-friendly green living tips, you can keep a little green for yourself.

Here are a five eco-friendly green living tips that will also save you some green...

1. Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs (cfls). If you change just five of the most used light bulbs in your home, you can save about $80 in energy costs in a year. Although the cfls are more expensive to purchase up front, the added cost is more than offset by the energy savings and they also last much longer than standard bulbs. And if everyone changed just one bulb to a cfl, it would be like taking 1.2 mil cars off road for a year!

2. Bring your own bag to the grocery store. Some stores will give you between 5 and 25 cents off per bag. Most plastic bags are not recycled.

3. Bring your own cup. Some coffee houses will give you credit if you bring your own cup (like Starbucks).

4. Switch from bottled water to water out of the faucet. It will save you a load of money over the long term and will save tons of plastic bottles from winding up in landfills. Even if the bottles are recycled, a great deal of energy is used in transporting and recycling, so better not to use them in the first place. And nothing tastes better than icy cold water out of a real glass!

5. Consider organizing a book swap with friends or others in the community. Rather than purchasing new books, you can give old books new life by exchanging them with others. And you can save a bundle by not having to run out to purchase new books! Another option, of course, is to use the public library. But, for those who dislike reading books that have been handled by so many people, a book swap is a great alternative, because you can set the rules about the condition that books must be in before they can be considered for exchange.

By adopting even just a few eco-friendly green living tips into your everyday life, you will begin to notice that you can keep some extra money in your pocket, while feeling good that you are doing your small part to help the planet.

Andrea Spenser is a regular contributor to http://www.shortcutsleuth.com, where she writes about ways to save time, save money, and save energy. Shortcutsleuth.com provides valuable information, resources and tips on saving time and saving money so that people can learn to work smarter, rather than harder. Categories of advice include: household (cleaning, cooking, decorating), personal (health & wellness, beauty & style, sanity savers), environment (eco-friendly, community service), family (communication, fundraising, school & activities, travel & entertainment), financial (saving & budgeting, college costs), organization (home organization tips, time management), professional (work at home), and shopping (ways to save), and more. By learning to be more efficient with how we use our time, money and energy we can get the most out of life!

Basic Tips For Green Living

Carbon is one of the main cause that damages our environment. It leaves its footprints in our eco system for our future generations. If we need a healthy environment we have to cut the emission of carbon in our day to day life. So here are some of the important tips that can help to improve the carbon emission of your home. Most of the people living in condos, flats or apartments or even residences simply feel that it is next to impossible for them to cut their carbon emission due to the basic fact that they have to in fact share their place of living with a number of other people living around them.

But if you try to adopt certain rules and get other residents to involve with you a lot can practically be achieved without actually bringing about much of the drastic changes in your day to day life.

We feel the heat of the day but we have to keep in our mind that we have to keep the thermostat down in most of the communal areas. It may only create a difference in couple of degrees and can barely be felt especially when nobody likes to spend much of their day time in corridors and halls of the apartment. Try using most of the eco-friendly lightbulbs in your house and communal areas. Most of these bulbs are more convenient for long run as they last pretty longer as compared to conventional bulbs. Buying cheap quality bulbs may save your economy but certainly may strain up the environment.

Places like Gyms, laundry rooms, meeting rooms are generally unused for hours. So try to keep the lights off in these places when not in use especially during the day time. This may save a lot of carbon emission. Try dropping the temperatures at hot bath, spa baths and Jacuzzis to a few degrees. It may hardly bring any type of discomfort to you but it does make a massive difference in the energy consumption. Try using better cleaning products that are eco friendly. This certainly is bound to have a more positive impact on our environment. A number of cleaning companies are known to use more eco friendly cleaners so hiring them would certainly be more ethical.

Try to choose more sustainable materials when refurbishing your communal areas. Try using bamboo floorings in your homes as they are sustain ably hard and long lasting and very much comfortable. They are known to resist high traffic. The material also grows quick and requires less amount of water. It is also very much cheap as compared to any other wood. So instead of using wooden floorings try using bamboo floorings. They may give a real trendy look to your flooring.

Try recycling more of your waste products. You can get recycle bags so try to collect things that can in fact be recycled. You can always negotiate with your local authorities for more tips. Some of these changes can certainly be made. They may be costly to install at present but they certainly can save more energy for the future generations.

GetEcoNow's mission is to educate and supply content to our community and make a difference in our environment and economy.

GetEcoNow features links, reviews, blogs, articles and a podcast to offer our researched opinions and insight to all. Enjoy the site and may it benefit you in your business as well as personal life.

Easy Green Living Tips

It seems that everyone that you come in contact with today is looking for a way to start living off the grid to some extent. The ideas of finding a way to save money and start leaving a green lifestyle are nothing new. Here are a few tips that will help speed up the process to easy green living.

Let's start with the obvious, plants. The earth needs oxygen and plants provide it. Houseplants have many advantages. The look nice and act to filter good air from bad air. For every ten square yards of living space you should have one house plant. Having just one houseplant in that area will help keep the air free from pollutants that accumulate in your home. If you are lucky enough to find a plant that synthesizes at night and add that to your regular houseplant, you will have around the clock pollutant protection.

Another great idea is to use as many homemade remedies as you can. The aloe plant works great for burns. If you get a burn you can break off an aloe leaf and put some of the gel on the burn. This is just one example. There are other things you can do around the kitchen too. Take a look at the cleaners that you use. Most of these can be replaced by something that is eco-friendly.

Everyone already knows that harsh chemicals are bad for the environment. These are found in detergent and other cleaners. You can avoid these by making your own with things like baking soda and vinegar. This makes a foaming cleaner that is wonderful as a drain cleaner. This produces carbon dioxide that should be rinsed down the drain with hot water. You can use juice from a lemon or even a lime to remove mildew. Corn starch makes a great carpet deodorizer. These things are great for the job and very eco-friendly.

Let's take a look at the critters every house is bound to have. First we will look at spiders. Spiders should be left alone unless you are infested. Spiders will help eliminate all other types of bugs. Next, avoid the use of store and commercial pesticides as these are bad for your home and the environment. You can catch flies on fly paper which can be made with some yellow paper and store grade honey. Paste the honey on the paper to make it sticky, allow it to dry a bit and you are good to go. Simple, safe and easy. If you have an ant problem this can be taken care of with the use of a lemon. Squeeze some lemon juice by the area the ants enter and leave the peel there. They don't like lemon. There are other eco-friendly ways to rid your home of pests, just look for them.

Garbage - every home makes it. So what do we do with it? Simple, start a compost heap. Things like egg shells, coffee grounds and other things can be added to the compost. Just do a little study to see what can and can not be added. Once you learn to compost, you will love it. Separate cans and bottles, plastic, paper and non-recyclables. Reduce, reuse and recycle. Take everything you can to the recycling center.

There are a few great tips for you to use to start you on your way to easy green living.

Visit Texas Home & Lifestyle for more information on green living.

Biology Concepts: Photosynthesis (Maintenance in Living Things) [1 VHS Video and Teacher's Guide]

Biology Concepts: Photosynthesis (Maintenance in Living Things) [1 VHS Video and Teacher's Guide]One VHS video and teacher's guide. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants on Earth capture and store the energy of the sun. The stored energy which is eventually converted to food products by the process of photosynthesis is what living things on the Earth use to carry out all their life activities. If green plants did not carry out photosynthesis life on earth would be drastically different. Photosynthesis is therefore an essential unit in the study of Biology. The program begins by stating that photosynthesis is the process by which green plants produce food for themselves and for animals. Viewers are asked to identify the raw materials and products of photosynthesis. On the Activity Sheet students are asked to list the things which surround plants.

Price: $55.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Eco Chic - Green Clothing Tips

Eco chic is a term that is being increasingly used in the media and fashion magazines. Eco chic is the combination of style and living green. And while following fashion is never cheap buying green clothes doesn't have to be expensive.

Shopping environmentally for clothes and looking for eco clothing is lot easier now than it used to be. More an more green materials are being used in the manufacture of clothes and many more eco friendly methods of being implemented by the designers.

Organic clothes are one example of using environmentally friendly methods for clothing. Organic cotton is grown without using chemicals and pesticides that can damage the eco system. They are also a sustainable source so their green credentials make them a green alternative to regular cotton clothing.

Other materials are being used in the manufacture of eco friendly clothing as well. Bamboo is one of the most unusual but it is a great material that can be turned into a fantastically practical fabric.

Bamboo clothing is great casual wear and is also used for active wear as it is soft and can help keep the kin cool. Bamboo is extremely sustainable too as it is extremely fast growing and plentiful.

As with any fashion, eco chic is not just about clothing either. Eco chic ideas can also be taken into the home and there are a wide variety of eco friendly interior furnishings and green items for your home.

Green furniture made from sustainable materials is one method of extending the eco friendly lifestyle into your home. Curtains, chairs and even organic towels can help ensure your home is an green environment just as your wardrobe is.

Richard N Williams is interested in green innovations and writes about them. Please visit our website if you are interested in organic clothing or other green products.

Green Matters: What in the World Is Going On? Eco Friendly (All Things Green: Bio, Organic, Recyclable, and Sustainable)

Green Matters: What in the World Is Going On? Eco Friendly (All Things Green: Bio, Organic, Recyclable, and Sustainable)Using the latest global perspective, this life changing, eco-friendly series deals with all things "green", whether bio, organic, recyclable, or sustainable. When it comes to the environment each person makes a difference, each person leaves a mark. Deciding how to lighten one's footprint is usually an individual decision, but these decisions have a collective outcome. Choosing the more environmentally friendly approach to life is what this program is about. We'll hop the globe to learn about "green" weddings, constructing "green" buildings and even efforts to turn the lowly toilet just a shade greener.

Price: $55.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

Green Living - 5 Little Things That Can Make A Difference

Green living doesn't have to be a major overhaul of everything you and your family do. In fact, it's often the little steps that make the biggest difference.

With this in mind, let's take a look at some simple green living steps you can take...

1. Change your light bulbs. You'll pay more for the new compact fluorescent lights, but save in the long run. They'll save you money on your power bill and save you money over their lifetime, which is longer than the traditional light bulb. Unlike what California did, which simply wasted millions of good bulbs and loaded up the landfills, move to compact fluorescent lights as the old bulbs burn out. That's green living at its best. Pay a little more for the premium fluorescents (somewhere around $9 to $12) and you can still enjoy a soft light instead of the traditional harsh fluorescent light.

2. Use a shopping tote. Okay, you know you've thought it about. Every time you get home from grocery shopping and the kitchen counter is overrun with plastic shopping bags, you tell yourself you're going to pick up some shopping totes next time. Do it! A single tote can eliminate hundreds of plastic bags from ending up in the landfill.

3. Go organic. You'll spend a little more, but eating organic will benefit the environment on two fronts. First, it will dramatically reduce the fossil fuels that go into producing fertilizers and getting your foods from the farm to your kitchen table. Second, it save the green earth from chemicals and pesticides. The bonus... your food will taste better!

4. Use non-toxic paint. Most paints are solvent based. You'll know when you use one because of the smell and the tendency to feel a little lightheaded. There are a number of new environmentally friendly paints on the market. For instance, Benjamin Moore offers Eco Spec. Other brands include AFM Safecoat, Anna Sova, BioShield, and Green Planet Paints. Generally, you'll want to look for a paint low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

5. Barbecue. The weather's not always perfect for a backyard barbecue, but when it is... take advantage of it. Not only will you reduce the summer temperature inside the house and reduce the use of your air conditioner, you'll be on the road to healthier eating. All wrapped up in a nice little bow. Oh, and when you do barbecue, use a gas propane grill. You'll save the environment about almost 6 pounds of carbon dioxide over a charcoal grill.

Discover a whole slew of green living tips, and pick up a free copy of our ebook, Top Living Green Tips at: http://livinggreentips.org

Green Living - Eco Home Design and Environmental Friendly Habits

Why green living?

I have 8 grandchildren and I would like them to live in the future in a world as good or better than the world we know today. But that will only be possible if we take more care of our use of natural resources and the environment. I think I need to take responsibility for what I can, linked to my daily life, and I would recommend you to do the same if you care for your grandchildren.

Is it difficult to live more green?

Many have the feeling that to live more green is very bothersome, expensive and difficult. But take these advices and see if they fit your temper and possibilities. As with a lot of things in life it helps to think and plan a little ahead of what you want to do. For me the following approach toward a more green daily life has been rewarding.

Generate ideas of more green living

Use five minutes to list a lot of things you expect would reduce your and your family's impact on the environment. Just dot the ideas down as they come into your mind. If feasible do it as a family event around the table and engage everyone in this green brainstorm. Think of three types of more green living as follows and put your green ideas into the three categories:

1. Green ideas that will save you money

2. Green ideas that will be neutral on your economy

3. Green ideas that will cost you money

1. Green ideas that will save you money

The ideas for greener living that will save you money should be implemented immediately. It is stupid to waste money and at the same time pollute more or use more resources than needed. Many companies here in Denmark have made use of this to reduce their environmental impact and to improve their competitiveness and profit from that green initiative at the same time. Many private households would benefit from it too.

Examples of green ideas that will save you money more or less from the moment you implement them are:

- Avoid running toilets and dripping taps (remember the garden, too).

- Have your lamps and electricity running more than needed, e.g. in rooms without any persons, and the standby lamps of electrical equipment.

- Drive your care more softly and you reduce the consumption of gasoline and keep your tires longer.

2. Green ideas that will be neutral on your economy

If you think of your grandchildren as I recommend the green ideas that will be neutral to your economy should also be taken into consideration. It is ideas for greener living that just need a little attention from you in your daily life.

Such more green habits could be

- When you are shopping avoid the extra bags and wrapping from the shop if you don't need it.

- Make your own compost in your garden and keep as much of the nutrition's in your garden instead of 'exporting' garden waste and have to buy fertilizers etc.

- Reduce your consumption of red meat and prepare food with more fish, chicken and turkey and supplement more with veggies. - That will also be healthier.

3. Green ideas that will cost you money

Ideas for greener living that cost you money might also be worthwhile considering, so please read on. Here I will emphasise the environmental effect when you buy new kinds of equipment, like a new freezer, a new car, a new computer, a new washing machine etc. The whole trend of eco home design will often belong to this category.

Take your time to investigate the different qualities related to the environmental impact of the different brands and models of machines and equipment. Search for independent rating of the environmental impacts. In Europe we have a marking with A to E for the energy consumption and the most environmental friendly washing machines etc. will have an A label. Most consumers at least in Denmark will be very much aware of that label and go for it if it isn't too expensive.

The beauty of such an expense is that in most cases it will pay off in the long run to pay the extra for an environmental friendly model because you will save electricity or other tings in the long run. In many cases the premium environmental friendly machines will also be of the best quality and that will help you too. So you see it isn't that difficult to get started with some new greener habits and you can still look your grandchildren in the eyes because you are caring for their future.

Get more free tips for Green Living at http://www.eco-homedesign.com/eco-home-ideas. Soren Breiting is working with sustainable development, environmental education and Education For Sustainable Development (ESD).

Copyright Soren Breiting. Please observe! You are welcome to publish this as the entire article if you keep all links working and with the author's details and this copyright information complete.

Green Living - How to Have an Eco Friendly Home

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last several years, you have probably heard plenty about "going green". The idea of living an environmentally friendly lifestyle has become extremely popular in recent days. Many times, people think of saving the environment as simply recycling or putting solar panels on your home. However, there are other simple ways to live greener at home without spending a fortune. Here are some things to consider when you decide you want to live a more planet friendly lifestyle.

The first thing you can do is replace all of your light bulbs with compact fluorescent lights. This is a very simple thing to do and can be done on a continuous basis until all of the light bulbs have burned out and have been replaced. Another thing you can do is pay as many of your bills online as possible so that you are saving paper. You can also support your local area by shopping at the farmers market. This means that the food you eat has not been trucked in from long distances, thus saving gas and emissions from a large truck. You can also fix any leaky faucets that are in your home, which will help conserve water.

Another thing you can do is call your local power company and ask them to come out and do an energy audit of your home. They can give you ideas and tips on ways to make your home more energy efficient including insulating around doors and windows. You can also line dry your laundry or buy a drying rack. This will help conserve the energy required when using your clothes dryer. You could lower the temperature on your hot water heater, which will conserve energy and help with your yearly power bills. In fact, limiting yourself to a five-minute shower will also help conserve water and energy.

Washing your laundry in cold water instead of hot is another way to save as well as turning off the lights when leaving the room. Another popular idea is to stop using the plastic disposable bags at the grocery store and purchase reusable bags that you can bring with you. Also, stop buying bottled water, as the huge amount of plastic being dumped into our landfills is unbelievable. Instead, you can buy an aluminum bottle and refill it. You may also choose to walk or ride a bike as often as possible if your errands are within a mile or two of your home.

These are just a few simple tips that can help you learn how to live an earth friendly lifestyle. It really is simple to go green at home if you just use a little effort and research.

Recycling and conserving energy is a responsibility we share, but does not have to be a tedious job. Learn fun and creative ways to go green at http://www.ProjectGreener.com/.

Green Living - Why I Made the Decision to Go Green

Until July, 2007, I lived in Michigan. Green living wasn't really part of my life. Like all of my friends, I complained about my electric bill (especially in the winter!), I worried about the rising costs of things like food and gas, and I made an effort at eco friendly activities like recycling. And then I moved to Hawaii! Instead of paying 8 cents kWh for electricity, I started paying nearly $0.40. Gas cost nearly $5.00 a gallon as opposed to the nearly $3.00 I had grudgingly grown accustomed to paying. My already slim budget was hit even harder by the price of food - things like milk cost nearly $6.00 a gallon and orange juice was nearly $10.00!

It was tempting to turn around and head straight back to the mainland, but after what I'd spent to get here in the first place, that certainly wasn't an option - at least not right away. I had to find a way to make it here, and I needed to do it fast.

It wasn't only the cost of living that opened my eyes to the need for green living though. When I stopped to think about it, I realized that if there was a crisis of global proportions, it would be pretty simple for a little island like Hawaii to be forgotten. As a chain of islands, we depend on the mainland United States for almost everything from gas to food. I'm not one to worry about "what-ifs," but it was certainly worth thinking about. Why was it that this little island needed to be so dependent on other for its very survival?

I was also saddened by the amount of waste that I saw around the island. Research taught me that Hawaii produces more waste per person than any other state in the nation. How is this possible? We have the least amount of space to put it...unless throwing it into the ocean is an alternative - it's not, by the way.

It was time to make a decision to change the way that I was used to living. There was no denying any longer that there was an absolute need for green living and I had to be the one to make the change for my family. What a change it's been. Simple common sense has given me a lot of great eco friendly ideas and the rest have come from research and talking to others has helped me with the rest. While I certainly have a long way to go, I'm proud of the changes that we've made. I would have never pictured myself as a gardener, for example, but my family now has a vegetable garden that would make my grandfather, an old farmer, jealous. We're also growing fruit trees and it's a great feeling to know that if something did happen that stopped food from coming to our little island, we'd at least have enough to eat.

We've learned the importance of recycling, choosing eco friendly products, combining trips, reducing our energy usage, and much more. Not only has the switch to green living allowed us to stay in Hawaii without going completely broke, it's given us a better outlook on the way that I should have been living for a long time.

Whether you live on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, or you live in the middle of the United States - making the choice to live a more eco friendly lifestyle is a good decision. Take the time to think about small changes that you can make in your lifestyle and purchasing habits. If we all made small changes, the resulting impact would be HUGE!



Green Living at Home - Five Simple Tips to Make Your Home Greener Even With Small Kids

Babies and small children come with a lot of packaging and it can be a challenge to even think about green living when you are lost in a sea of disposable diapers, wet wipes and laundry. Unless you are a committed eco-mommy and have already embraced cloth diapers, you probably have a guilty feeling that it isn't possible to be truly green and energy efficient with a baby in the house and a busy lifestyle.

But disposable diapers aren't the beginning and end of an eco-friendly family lifestyle. Nobody said it has to be all or nothing. Even if they are essential to the smooth running of your household, there are still plenty of other smaller green living measures that you can take to help the environment. In doing so you will also be raising your kids to be aware of green issues, which is an important part of building a sustainable future. After all they are the ones who will inherit the earth from us, so energy awareness is essential to their education from an early age.

Try a few of these simple green living tips to increase the efficiency of your energy use and reduce the impact your home has on the environment. Remember the green mantra: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. Reduce the amount of resources you consume, re-use things like paper, plastic and cloth wherever possible and only then recycle what you can no longer use. This saves you money and makes the best possible use of resources.

1. Use both sides of the paper

Kids love drawing. Before you know it they can have accumulated a stack of artworks equivalent to a small tree. Encourage them to use both sides of the paper. Re-use office scrap paper for drawing on before you re-cycle it.

2. Switch to cloth table napkins

Disposable paper table napkins not only use up an immense number of trees to produce, if you count up how many each household can get through in a year, but they also end up in landfill sites. Get your family a bunch of colorful cloth napkins, or make some from leftover fabric scraps or old soft cotton shirts, and use them at family meals. They take up little space in the laundry and can be used several times before washing; just give each family member a different color or else an individual napkin ring to identify their napkin.

3. Recycle

If you're not already re-cycling find out about options in your area. There may be a local pick-up scheme if you separate out your garbage or you may have to find a drop-off point. Kids will catch on quickly if you have separate bins for re-cycled paper, glass and plastics and it's a great start to educating them about the environment.

4. Hang out your laundry

Whenever the weather allows, hang out your laundry on the clothes line rather than using the dryer. Older kids can help with the pegging out and folding afterward. Your clothes will last longer and you'll save a lot on electricity.

5. Use energy saving light bulbs

Replace your light bulbs with the curly energy efficient bulbs, as the old ones give out. Switch off lights when you leave a room and make sure any lights left on at night, for kids that are scared of the dark, are of a low wattage, energy saving variety.

These may seem like small measures, that won't do much to save the planet, but think about it this way: if every household in the US were just to switch to cloth napkins for a year, millions of trees would be saved, as well as the energy and water consumed in turning them into paper. Each small measure adds up.

Once you have incorporated these green living tips into your family lifestyle, you could gradually introduce a few more, greening up your home and your kids one small step at a time and saving money too.

Kit Heathcock is a writer and mother of three. She aims to bring up her children as healthily as possible and is striving for green living, but admits to lapsing from her ideals when it comes to chocolate, computer games and disposable diapers. Read more green living tips, recipes and articles at Food and Family.

Green Living For Environmentally Friendly Changes

It is not the time to read about these environmental changes but it in fact is the right time to start acting towards green living. You can take a few steps in changing your lifestyle to modify it and try to practice more of the environmentally friendly choices. A number of tips are provided and hopeful most of you may already have started to incorporate it in your lifestyle. So if you start incorporating each of the eco friendly tips in your daily lifestyle then things will simply start becoming much easier for you. It may be soon when you start noticing the changes of how you can go about in this eco friendly planet. We certainly are not talking about any financial benefits that are linked with these products.

Always make sure you have to purchase products that don't have excessive packaging. We need to send some really strong and clear messages to these manufacturers. Or else products may simply continue to be packed in the same pattern. We need to keep in mind that plastics are the main damaging culprits here. So simply try to make your purchasing eco friendly by choosing products that have minimum packaging materials used. Select your products based on it. Any make a habit of rewarding the companies that minimizes the waste. If one of your favorite product continues to be sold excessively with most of the unnecessary packaging write a letter and try to inform them that you shall discontinue to buy the product because of the packing. Ask them to reduce it. This certainly will put your words in their ears. There may certainly be some impact on them.

Well if you don't tell the companies why you don't use their products anymore they will never tend to change their pattern. You need to make them aware of the environmental concerns. This certainly will leave them with very little initiative and they will certainly have to change their pattern. Writing to most of the companies may be time consuming but it can save our environment and eco system. So the best option may be to try and design a fixed template with your words in it. Mail to every manufacturers. As a consumer you still have the power to do it, so try utilizing your power to hold such companies.

If in any case you are simply unsure of the policies of the company then try writing them and asking for their policies. If you are simply concerned about practices that you feel are damaging the environment then try to speak out. It certainly will help the environment. Let them know that most of your purchase is based on environmental concerns. Try promoting the use of more eco friendly products. Make kids aware of this and ask them to select more eco friendly toys. This certainly may be a giant step towards saving our environment. Use environmental friendly baby products. Try being selective in what you purchase.

Avoid listening to music on CDs and VCDs instead you can download the music to your computer and listen. It makes no difference where you listen music from but reducing CD purchasing can certainly help save environment. Follow these basic steps and you certainly can create a better home for you to live in.

GetEcoNow's mission is to educate and supply content to our community and make a difference in our environment and economy. GetEcoNow features links, reviews, blogs, articles and a podcast to offer our researched opinions and insight to all. Enjoy the site and may it benefit you in your business as well as personal life.

Saving Money While Shopping Green - Top Tips For Eco-Conscious Consumers

What's the top reason shoppers don't buy green? (Hint: It ain't cheap.)

That's right. Price.

According to the 2007 GfK Roper Green Gauge® Study, about 40% of Americans say they'd pay for a product that's better for the environment. But at the same time, 74% of those surveyed say green products are too expensive. Hopefully, supply and demand will eventually bring down the price of eco-friendly goods. But in the meantime, how can green shoppers save a buck?

Here are a few thrifty tips that can help eco-conscious consumers stretch their dollars:

How to Find Green Bargains

Sales: There are lots of green e-tailers with sales pages and seasonal promotions on their websites -- everyone from big companies such as green living cataloger Gaiam to small mom-and-pop businesses.

Coupons: Unfortunately, coupons for organic foods are not nearly as common as they are for conventional grocery items. However, many organic dairy companies, such as Horizon Organic and Stonyfield Farms, do offer coupons on their websites.

Bulk Discounts: Buying in bulk is one of the easiest ways to save money. Amazon.com offers lots of super-sized green goods -- everything from 10 packs of Seventh Generation paper towels to 4 packs of Ecos Laundry Detergent. Many organic meat companies offer bulk savings through their websites as well. If a large quantity order is too much for your household, find a "bulk buddy" and split the order.

Free Shipping: Free shipping deals from green e-tailers offer a great value for folks who don't live within easy driving distance to stores with eco-friendly products. Just be sure to read the fine print -- minimum purchase orders and restrictions often apply.

How to Win Green Prizes

Sweepstakes: More and more companies are sponsoring sweepstakes for eco-friendly products. We caution you to review the prize description carefully to determine whether the prize is indeed eco-friendly.  If you're not sure what makes a product green, check out Consumer Reports' Greener Choices and Green America's Shop & Unshop -- both of these not-for-profit organizations offer helpful information.

Contests: A lot fewer people enter contests, where the winner is determined by "skill" -- like the best essay, best video, etc. So your odds of winning a contest are generally a lot higher than winning a sweepstakes, where the winner is determined randomly. We have seen some great contests out there, especially for school-related prizes (like a $200,000 hybrid school bus!)

We hope these tips help you save green and win green while you go green. Good luck!

Ecobunga! (http://www.ecobunga.com) lists hundreds of deals and giveaways for eco-friendly products -- everything from coupons on organic foods to sweepstakes for hybrid cars.

To kick-start your green winnings, we invite you to enter Ecobunga's own monthly green giveaways, too! Just visit http://www.ecobunga.com/giveaway

Green Living For Marketers

Currently, there are a lot of people who like to go shop in modern supermarket rather than traditional one. The kinds of people are varying, such as: children, old, men, women, and so on. The main reason why they like to go shopping is that they want to buy their needs to fulfill their daily need. However, the customer is expected to be more careful in their shopping and considering the effect to the environment. There are lots of products sold in supermarket that could give bad impact to our environment. Therefore, there are several kinds of tips for you as marketers to get shop while also support the green living.

First thing that you can do is get your direct mail marketing equipment printed on recycle paper. You can choose for one printing company that provides you with recycled material and paper. Then, you can get your straight marketing equipment printed with eco friendly ink. Currently there are some companies that already produced eco friendly ink so that you can buy from there. Then, you can make sure that you and your company use recycle stuff. The easiest one is about using recycle paper because almost of companies need a huge number of papers to be used in their daily operation.

The last one is you can directly use mail advertising through digital green technology, such as email and using website. These methods will make your work easier, faster, and you need no lots of cost to make and design it.

Expert says, using green technology [http://www.letmegreen.com] is much efficient than any other common method.

August Leo

Find More Eco-Friendly Peripheral on [http://www.letmegreen.com]

It's Time to act GREEN.

The Rise in the Trend of Green Living

More eco-friendly enthusiasts are coming out of the woodwork every year. The effects of global warming on our environment are increasing in its awareness and more people want to help make the earth a livable place for future generations to come.

Green living is on the rise all across the globe, not just in the United States. In many areas across the world, recycling has taken off and in some cases, has become a way of life. Some cultures find recycling a necessity because their own natural resources are limited and they don't have the funds to buy new items all of the time.

Companies are making eco-friendly cleaning and pesticide products for use in the home. Instead of using chemical-based aerosols, more natural ingredients are used in the cleaning agents and bug-killing aerosols. They're better for you and the environment.

People are beginning to tend their own organic gardens. By eliminating the harsh chemicals that are released into the air and soil, they're making all living things healthier as well as the environment.

There are green living enthusiasts that are taking to walking or riding a bike to help save the air from the harmful emissions from congested traffic. Some are also beginning to carpooling to lessen traffic. They help the air become more breathable again.

Consumers are buying more biodegradable products - or ones that can be easily recycled. This helps keep the landfills from growing out of hand will all of the trash we throw out that won't break down or will contaminate the soil and water supply.

There are those who are cutting down on energy costs. The less energy used in our homes, the better off the environment will be. Most of the energy saving tips are inexpensive and easy for anyone to do.

Water usage is coming down over the last decade. The more global warming awareness that we put out there, the more people are trying to save the water supply by using less water in their daily activities.

Some people are even choosing to repair the broken appliances instead of sending them off to the landfill. This not only helps the environment, but also saves people a lot of money in some cases. If it can be easily repaired, why not avoid throwing a perfectly good item away?

The bottom line is - more people are starting to care about the planet. By doing everything they can, the earth will continue to be a wonderful place to live for future generations that will inhabit it.

For more information about Green Living please visit Modern Eco Homes dot com, which sells a wide range of eco friendly furniture [http://www.modernecohomes.com/eco-furniture.html] and solar powered products.

Green Living In Homes

Researches and scientists throughout the world are working in tandem with each other to continuously cull out technologies and tools which can be incorporated in our daily life and help save the environment. Even if with these improvements the initial benefits will be small but in the long run it will be a boon for the environment. Now a day a very unique and new concept of "Green Living" in homes is surfacing the thoughts of many.

Builders are focusing on construction of "Energy Efficient" houses in order to minimize any possible carbon emission into the atmosphere. Use of "heat pumps" mining out the heat from the ground, solar panels on the terrace and placing the windows in a certain way so as to minimize the amount of heat coming are some ideas.

Green Roofing is another idea wherein the entire roof is supposed to be covered with vegetation and flora over a water resilient membrane. It has several benefits such as;

? Provides heat insulation

? Reduces storm water run off

? Absorbs rainwater

? Aids in the creation of a natural habitat for wildlife

? Heat island effect is reduced

Normal roofs of cement or any other heat absorbing material infuses the radiation from sun and radiate it back to the atmosphere thereby increasing the temperature by at least 4-5 degree Celsius. Another similar concept was developed in for walls as well termed as" Green Walls". They are either available as Green facades wherein the plants are made to grow directly on the roof by minimizing the rise in urban air temperature. Also since it provides excellent insulation and minimizes the heat flux into the house it reduces the energy consumption. It not only wards of pollutants and carbon dioxide from air but also promotes beautification of the surrounding environs.

These aforesaid eco friendly concepts can be integrated not only in homes but also in offices.

Another very eco-friendly solution is the use of bamboo as the building material for homes. Since ancient times it has been extensively used as a means of civilization and still can be the ultimate solution in reducing the "carbon footprints". Its durable and beautiful, grows fast and sustainable. It has unique properties of sinking in carbon dioxide. The best use of bamboo is in flooring. It does not require the use of harsh cleaning agents and chemical to remain clean and thus no use of materials whose disposal will actually cause more harm than benefit.

Technologies are many but its use is still limited to a certain section of the society. With the use of simple tools and tips one can easily bring a huge lowering of the carbon footprints which has been prevailing in the nature since long. Sustaining the environment is not the responsibility of an individual but of the entire community.

Terrys Fabrics retail in ready made curtains, curtain fabric and made to measure curtains, all of which are available for UK delivery.

Tips for Green Living in the Home

Making Sustainable Choices

Making sustainable choices are an important component of green living. Making sustainable choices means purchasing products that don't cause a negative impact on the environment and that will not make it more difficult for future generations to continue to sustain themselves. Making sustainable choices during the design process is referred to as 'green design' or 'sustainable design'. Some great sustainable choices to consider when decorating include:

Natural stone counter tops

Cabinets and other products made from woods such as bamboo, eucalyptus, or recycled wood

Carpet made from natural fibers, such as wool and cotton, or made from recycled materials

Green-friendly paint and home wallpaper, which is being offered by a growing number of manufacturers

Antiques - after all, they are being recycled!

You don't have to create a bland and boring home décor in order to enjoy green living. In fact, there are numerous options out there that will allow you to make your home look great while still protecting the planet.

Appliances for Green Living

When it comes to green living, a great place to start is in your kitchen. Remodeling can add a great deal of value to your home, can make it more functional and attractive, and can help you make your home more eco-friendly.

When buying for your kitchen, look for modern appliances to help bring your home up-to-date. By purchasing those appliances with the Energy Star rating, you can potentially cut the amount of energy you use to power those appliances in half. Adding faucet aerators to your kitchen and bathroom faucets will also help reduce the amount of water you use while still providing you with a high pressure stream of water.

Obtaining Green Products

Fortunately, green living is rapidly growing in popularity. In response, many manufacturers are offering lines of eco friendly products that can be used for decorating purposes. In addition, a growing number of online and offline stores that are dedicated solely to green living are becoming a more common occurrence.

One great resource for green living products is http://www.greenhome.com. This site carries only eco-friendly products, including furniture, bedding, and home furnishings. Another great online resource for green living products is http://www.livingreen.com. Here, you can find wall coverings, furniture, flooring, and more.

Although it may take a little more time and effort to find and purchase eco products for your home, the effort will be worth it. Not only will you be doing your part to help conserve and protect the environment, green living is better for your health and can save you money in the long run.

San Francisco Interior Designer - Mint Home D?cor.

Top 5 Tips For Eco Friendly Living

No matter how much money you make, what your politics are, or what you do for a living, we can all agree that we want to be able to drink the water and breathe the air without worrying if it is safe. This planet is our lifeboat in an uncaring vacuum, and we have an obligation to care for it, for our children, our grandchildren, and every generation that comes after.

Step 1: Use less energy. If you lower the temperature on your thermostat by just a couple of degrees in winter and instead bundle up a warm sweater and turn up your thermostat on the air-conditioning again by just a few degrees in the summer, you will use a lot less energy. That doesn't mean that you have to freeze in winter and bake in the summer. Most of the time, a couple of degrees isn't going to be noticeable and it will really add up to an amazing savings in energy. Also, don't forget when you leave rooms to turn off the lights, and if the sun is out and keeping your room is nice and bright, why use an artificial light at all? Another way to save energy that people often overlook is to make sure to turn off the iPod, TV, and computer when you're not using it. This is common sense if you are thinking about saving energy, and as an added benefit it also saves you cash.

Step 2: Use less water. For example, don't just leave the water running as you brush her teeth. Also, don't leave the water running while you're waiting to get in the shower. And when you are in the shower to wash your hair, can try wetting it, turning off the faucet while you lather up and then turn it back on for when you rinse. You can do the same thing when you shave. Why not wet the area, lather it up, shave, and then turned back on the water to rinse? There's no point in throwing away gallons of water when you're not even really using it.

Step 3: Recycle your trash. This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised number of people who don't take advantage of their city recycling program. Separate out your glass, plastic, paper, metal, and organic waste, and recycle them in the appropriate places.

Step 4: Reuse. You can take your peanut butter or jelly jar and when it is finished wash it out and use it to store something else. You can also reuse old nails, newspapers, print on the blank side of something you printed previously, and save by reusing many other things in-house that are usually thrown away. Again, not only is it saving the environment, but it's putting precious dollars and cents back in your pocket.

Step 5: Educate yourself. You can find a ton of free info online and in your community about how to live a more eco-friendly life. All you have to do is read it. Once you learn how to reduce waste, and live green by cutting energy, harmful chemicals, and expenses, you'll be well underway to being an eco-friendly person.

In summary, in order to eco-friendly, you'll want to follow these five steps: save energy, save water, recycle, reuse, and educate yourself. With these tools in hand you'll be set on the road to eco-friendly life.

Kelly has a passion for eco friendly products and writes for Urban Clotheslines in the USA who stock Eco Friendly Clotheslines as well as Urban Clotheslines

Green Living Tips

Living green doesn't have to be hard. While it may feel like you need a major lifestyle change to get eco-friendly, the truth is with a few simple changes, you can live green with no inconvenience-and even save some money while doing so. The trick is to start small. Don't reinvent the wheel; just make a few simple changes in your routine and go from there. Then, before you know it, you'll be living green.


A simple first step is to start turning off the tap when you're brushing your teeth. When you bathe, resist the urge to fill the tub to brimming. While a long, hot soak is a nice treat, is it really necessary to have all of that water if you're getting in and out in a hurry? If you shower, consider buying a water-efficient shower head. Make sure the dishwasher is full before you run it, or better yet, wash those few dishes by hand.


Little things that cost nothing and save loads include lowering your water heater to 120 degrees F, washing your clothes in cold water, lowering the thermostat during winter, and in warmer weather giving your dryer a rest and line-drying your clothes. Low-cost ideas include: insulating your water heater, attic, and HVAC ducts; installing a programmable thermostat; and ensuring your home is properly sealed against large air leaks.

Travel and Commuting

Depending upon where you live, commuting "green" may seem one of the more difficult things for you to embrace. But there are alternatives you can at least consider. Check out your local public transportation and see if there is a feasible option to driving to work every day. Taking the bus may seem unpleasant at first, but you may find time a commute spent reading, listening to music, or just watching the scenery puts you at work more relaxed than if you had driven.

Consider car-pooling. It might not be an option for work, but think about getting together with neighbors for shopping trips or play dates to the park. Think about walking instead of driving; taking your bike; or selecting vacation spots a bit closer to home.

When it comes time to buy a car, consider fuel-efficient models. But, don't just replace the car you have in order to "be greener". The energy used in new car production may outweigh the benefits of replacing the one you have.


Probably one of the easiest ways to live green is to become aware of waste. How much of what you throw away can be recycled or reused? With most neighborhoods offering recycling programs, there is really little excuse to not participate. Donate unwanted items to charity; find out what stores participate in e-waste recycling programs and get rid of old electronics that way; return iPods and cell phones to the manufacturer for use as parts.

These are just a few of the many simple ways you can live a greener life with no hassle. Think about it. If it's this easy to be green, then what excuse can you have not to be?

In this article we've given a couple of green living tips that can make your lifestyle greener with minimal effort. If you want to read more such tips, and discover more ways to change your life and home to a more eco-friendly one, please visit our website: Green Planet and Me.

Green Living Tips - What Can You Do?

I remember the first time I was questioned by a friend about my recycling efforts. I was embarrassed. I did not know what to say. Since then, Green Living has been a learning experience. This experience was almost 20 years ago. What I have learned since then is a result from learning about our environment and what human existence has done to eliminate 100's of species and decimated lakes, rivers and forests.

What can you do? What have I done?

Bare in mind, 20 years ago I had no idea what was recyclable other than the obvious: glass, paper and some plastics. This was due to growing up in a family that did not do its part.

Today I am still learning and by no means am I a hardcore activist. I am very conscious of what I do and I am always learning to improve my eco friendly ways. This should be everyone's attitude towards improving our planets health.

What was my pivotal turning point? Since my first encounter with the reality that everyone should do his or her minimum without question (recycling), I stumbled on an eco friendly home business that offered me the opportunity to partner with 100's of earth conscious companies. These companies are name brand companies that can be found in any Earth Conscious Marketplace (Alba, Seventh Generation, Kiss My Face, Jason's Naturals, Avalon Organics, Burt's Bees, Tom... to name a few).

Do you think that using an earth friendly shampoo makes a difference? Sure it does. Non-Earth conscious shampoos have chemicals. After you rub these chemicals into your scalp (one of the thinnest membranes on your body) they are washed down the drain and into our water supple... the same water supply that we drink.

Learning what small and large companies do to decrease their carbon footprint was and is an amazing life lesson. I am grateful to have the opportunity to buy and learn from these companies and there missions to provide products and services to our families for our planet.

Water reduction and limited energy use are two issues that opened my eyes to the wastefulness of our American society.

The bottled water usage alone is shameful.

So much can be done. If you think you are too busy to change, think again. Little things can change your carbon footprint and improve our environment.

There is a proven formula. There are proven steps. You will or you won't but... Being Successful at any business requires a great plan. I will help you avoid the mistakes and set you on a path for success. There is no better time than NOW! Time is the most valuable thing on the planet and it is all yours. Today is your day.


Green World Tip Number 2 - Bring Back the Clothesline

For the past four and a half years I've been living in New Zealand where electricity is outrageously expensive and almost no one uses a clothes dryer. I made my husband buy one when we moved here because we have three kids and I just didn't know how I would manage without one. The only one we could find was a teeny tiny little dryer that I actually carried out of the store!!! My dryer in the States had to be moved with a dolly! Since it only ever dries like 5 things at a time it is totally useless unless I'm drying something that I need in an emergency--but then I see the result of that emergency when I get my power bill.

Anyway, the normal practice of drying clothes here is by hanging them on a clothes line. I can honestly say that never having done this in my life and having three kids and a husband who worked in a vineyard at the time, I about lost my mind trying to keep up with it! Then there were the rainy days where I couldn't hang out anything and was forced to use my stupid ass useless dryer which I would run 24 hours a day causing my power bill to be almost in the four digits!! I'm not kidding!

Since I couldn't justify the power bill to having dry clothes they just didn't get washed or dried and we had to wear our undies inside out and stuff like that--just kidding, but it was bad.

Then, at about the two year mark I realized that I was being a big baby and I mustered up the courage to look like an idiot and asked my mother-in-law what people in New Zealand did when it was too wet to hang out their clothes. She laughed and said, you hang them inside. Yes, I felt like an idiot but then I realized how silly I'd been for not thinking of that myself.

People generally have an indoor clothes rack or line. It's either suspended from the ceiling and can be pulled up when not in use or they use their porches and verandas to hang clothes when it's wet. We now use a collapsible rack. The point I'm trying to get to here is that due to our monstrous energy consumption, our world is fading fast; everyone knows how close we are to the breaking point and so I'm just offering a suggestion to be part of the solution. I know it is hard in this day and age, with kids and busy lives to not do the most convenient thing, but I actually ENJOY hanging our family's clothes now--it gets me outside, I am forced to pause; then I see all the other clothes lines in my street and some of the people out hanging their clothes too and I feel like I'm a part of something. The kids help out and hang sometimes, my husband does it if he has time...it's just what we do.

In America, there is a stigma attached to clotheslines; they sometimes invoke images of poverty or "trailer trash"; but here in New Zealand there is a stigma attached to people who use their clothes dryers rather than hanging them outside if it is a nice day; they are considered wasteful and inconsiderate! So, what do you say America? Let's bring back the clotheslines!!!! Who cares what your neighbors think, if they say anything mean to you, say, "I'm hanging my clothes outside to save the world, what are you doing about it??"

Last but not least, when you hang your clothes outside they last longer, they smell like sunshine, the bills are lower and the world is cleaner!

Stay tuned for more Green Earth tips. Changing the world is just a matter of changing our minds about it!

Shauna Ratapu is a regular mediator and independent representative for The One Group: Certified Organic Nourishment for the Skin, Hair and Body. http://www.sacredsun.mionegroup.com

Shauna, an American, lives and works in New Zealand with her Kiwi husband and their three children. For more information on Eco-travel in New Zealand, Meditation or Organics visit Shauna's homepage: [http://www.soulfoodcafe.co.nz]

Practical Green Living Tips For the Average Family

When it comes to adopting a green living lifestyle, let's dispel the most common misconceptions people have right up front. Adopting a "green lifestyle" can be done gradually and DOES NOT mean you need to go out and start hugging trees in your backyard OR riding your scooter to work in the rain.

There are very, very simple changes you can make in your lifestyle, and make them gradually so that you will hardly even notice any "inconvenience" to living a more green life.  In fact, not only does adopting a green lifestyle mean saving on the earth's finite resources, it also means saving money because a large part of living green involves saving energy; things like gasoline, electricity, heating oil, etc. So the lifestyle is actually easier on the budget and should give you more disposable income each month. Not a bad deal is it?

Here's some simple tips and easy changes you can make to start living more eco-friendly:

Using Less Energy

Weather-proof your house, You'll be very happily surprised at the amount of dollar savings you can achieve simply by getting an energy audit from your local power company and adopting the changes they suggest. Most utility companies offer this service at no charge and you should definitely take advantage of it if you haven't already done so.

Believe it or not, simply doing the laundry is a huge user of energy. You need to heat the water to wash the clothes, then heat the clothes to dry them. Instead, try washing your clothes in cold water and also give the old-fashioned clothes line a try for drying your clothes. You'll be pleasantly surprised at the amount of money you can save by doing these two simple things.

Cut Down on Water Usage

Everyone likes a nice hot bath once in a while. Consider taking them less frequently as your typical bath will use up to 5 times more water and energy than a shower. Speaking of showers, buy one of those energy efficient shower heads that cut down on water flow by 1/3 to 1/2. This can be a huge hot water saver.

When you run your dishwasher, make sure that it is full so that you maximize each load and not unnecessarily waste hot water on partial loads. If you just have a few dishes to be cleaned, consider doing them by hand.

Getting Back and Forth to Work - Carpooling

Consider joining a car pool. Yes, it is not nearly as convenient as taking your own car to work, but for the extra time involved, you'll see your gasoline bill plummet.

This list is just a very small number of the things you can do to start living greener. There are many websites that go into much more depth on things you can do to become a more eco-friendly member of the world community. One such site is listed below.

To find out more hints and tips on how you can gradually adopt a green living, eco-friendly lifestyle, you can find plenty of green living tips at The Living Green Club website. Logan Montrose is passionate about the subject but also has a practical understanding of what the average family is both willing and able to do in terms of lifestyle changes. He has become so enthused about the importance of educating as many people as possible about living a green lifestyle (and educating them that it does not involve large changes to their current lifestyle) that he has started a website devoted to the topic which can be found at http://www.livinggreenclub.com/

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