Green Living Tips - What Can You Do?

I remember the first time I was questioned by a friend about my recycling efforts. I was embarrassed. I did not know what to say. Since then, Green Living has been a learning experience. This experience was almost 20 years ago. What I have learned since then is a result from learning about our environment and what human existence has done to eliminate 100's of species and decimated lakes, rivers and forests.

What can you do? What have I done?

Bare in mind, 20 years ago I had no idea what was recyclable other than the obvious: glass, paper and some plastics. This was due to growing up in a family that did not do its part.

Today I am still learning and by no means am I a hardcore activist. I am very conscious of what I do and I am always learning to improve my eco friendly ways. This should be everyone's attitude towards improving our planets health.

What was my pivotal turning point? Since my first encounter with the reality that everyone should do his or her minimum without question (recycling), I stumbled on an eco friendly home business that offered me the opportunity to partner with 100's of earth conscious companies. These companies are name brand companies that can be found in any Earth Conscious Marketplace (Alba, Seventh Generation, Kiss My Face, Jason's Naturals, Avalon Organics, Burt's Bees, Tom... to name a few).

Do you think that using an earth friendly shampoo makes a difference? Sure it does. Non-Earth conscious shampoos have chemicals. After you rub these chemicals into your scalp (one of the thinnest membranes on your body) they are washed down the drain and into our water supple... the same water supply that we drink.

Learning what small and large companies do to decrease their carbon footprint was and is an amazing life lesson. I am grateful to have the opportunity to buy and learn from these companies and there missions to provide products and services to our families for our planet.

Water reduction and limited energy use are two issues that opened my eyes to the wastefulness of our American society.

The bottled water usage alone is shameful.

So much can be done. If you think you are too busy to change, think again. Little things can change your carbon footprint and improve our environment.

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