Green Living - 5 Little Things That Can Make A Difference

Green living doesn't have to be a major overhaul of everything you and your family do. In fact, it's often the little steps that make the biggest difference.

With this in mind, let's take a look at some simple green living steps you can take...

1. Change your light bulbs. You'll pay more for the new compact fluorescent lights, but save in the long run. They'll save you money on your power bill and save you money over their lifetime, which is longer than the traditional light bulb. Unlike what California did, which simply wasted millions of good bulbs and loaded up the landfills, move to compact fluorescent lights as the old bulbs burn out. That's green living at its best. Pay a little more for the premium fluorescents (somewhere around $9 to $12) and you can still enjoy a soft light instead of the traditional harsh fluorescent light.

2. Use a shopping tote. Okay, you know you've thought it about. Every time you get home from grocery shopping and the kitchen counter is overrun with plastic shopping bags, you tell yourself you're going to pick up some shopping totes next time. Do it! A single tote can eliminate hundreds of plastic bags from ending up in the landfill.

3. Go organic. You'll spend a little more, but eating organic will benefit the environment on two fronts. First, it will dramatically reduce the fossil fuels that go into producing fertilizers and getting your foods from the farm to your kitchen table. Second, it save the green earth from chemicals and pesticides. The bonus... your food will taste better!

4. Use non-toxic paint. Most paints are solvent based. You'll know when you use one because of the smell and the tendency to feel a little lightheaded. There are a number of new environmentally friendly paints on the market. For instance, Benjamin Moore offers Eco Spec. Other brands include AFM Safecoat, Anna Sova, BioShield, and Green Planet Paints. Generally, you'll want to look for a paint low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

5. Barbecue. The weather's not always perfect for a backyard barbecue, but when it is... take advantage of it. Not only will you reduce the summer temperature inside the house and reduce the use of your air conditioner, you'll be on the road to healthier eating. All wrapped up in a nice little bow. Oh, and when you do barbecue, use a gas propane grill. You'll save the environment about almost 6 pounds of carbon dioxide over a charcoal grill.

Discover a whole slew of green living tips, and pick up a free copy of our ebook, Top Living Green Tips at:

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