Save Papers, Go Green
Papers have been a part of our lives. From our early education to shopping, we are using papers for our daily routine. And we can expect more out of these sheets. More than just as simple sheet, papers have a lot of use in our modern lifestyle. But the sad thing about papers is the fact that it comes from trees. And that's what we should be looking after.
Trees are important in our everyday life. Why? It's because of the oxygen we are breathing. Trees and plants act as the world's air converter. They use carbon dioxide from animals, and humans, and breathe out oxygen which we need. This process keeps on going everyday and imagine if it will stop one day.
We need oxygen to live, and trees are very important for the purpose. Looking back at papers, it surely has a lot of uses these days. You may not even imagine education without papers, or even your food packaging. But because it came from trees, isn't it worth saving?
Saving papers means we are saving trees. The more we save, the more we are giving favor to our environment. Unfortunately, there are some things that really need papers, like your newspaper for instance. We may never have to read another magazine or newspaper without papers.
But there can still be other important things around that we can manipulate and would still be very useful. Take for instance writing papers. Many times we do not see the importance of saving this. It costs a little anyway. And that's the problem about it. The lighter we take the situation, more wastes we are actually producing.
What we can do on this is to limit our waste, really. Try to recycle. Make it point that you are using less paper. You can use old newspapers as wrappers of your figurines, for example. You may even deliver these pieces of old papers to a recycling plant if you know one. They'll be more than willing to make it into another sheet of fine paper.
Further, when we see progress on our hands, let's try to look at the sides where we tend to create wastes. These wastes can hamper on our future progress, mind you. Let's do our part and Mother Nature will surely provide us with our needs.
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